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taehyung kept his book in his bag and went to the balcony. the dawn had started to crawl. he loved watching the sunrise from the balcony. it was a soothing feeling. the sun's soft rays had begun to fall on taehyung's face, a gentle breeze was caressing his hair. he was looking heavenly.

he was smiling looking at the two birds sitting on a tree in front of the balcony. they were chirping at each other softly. the melody was beautiful. 

" you didn't sleep the whole night, did you?"

taehyung turned back to see a sleepy, messy-haired yoongi standing at the entrance of the balcony. taehyung shook his head. yoongi came close to him and ran his hands through taehyung's locks.

yoongi: you should get some solution for that. I know you have been advised to put on the lavender candles and soft music by the psychologists but you should get some sleeping pills prescribed. not sleeping is not good for your health. your body and your mind need rest. 

taehyung: how many times are we gonna have this conversation? the pills make me sleep. they don't stop the nightmares.

yoongi: take a few more tests. maybe the doctors will find a new solution.

taehyung: okay. now let's go. I have college and you have work.

yoongi: okay.

taehyung went to his bedroom and got ready. meanwhile, since it was surprising that yoongi had woken up earlier than Jimin, he went to their room and woke jimin up.

yoongi: wake up, minmin. you have to go office.

jimin: but I'm tired. why can't the office sleep till 12 like all the people? why can't I bunk the office and sleep all day?

yoongi smiled. sleepy Jimin behaved like a child.

yoongi: if you sleep all day, who will slay in the office? do you want taemin to get the slay queen award?

jimin snapped his eyes open.

jimin: noo.. that award is mine. I'm the slay queen. 

yoongi: then you must get up.

jimin made grabby hands at yoongi.

jimin: pick me up, yoonie.

yoongi: no. my back will break.

jimin pouted looking at him with huge puppy eyes. yoongi looked away but gave in after a few moments. he sighed in defeat and picked jimin up on his back.

yoongi: I can never win from your puppy eyes and that pout. it should be made illegal.

jimin: you should be made illegal.

yoongi: why?

jimin: cause you are so hot.

yoongi blushed but hid it saying something like shut up... but jimin knew him too well. he knew yoongi was flustered by the statement.

they both went down the stairs to the living room, yoongi still carrying jimin.

taehyung: aww... you both look so cute.

 you both look so cute

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yoongi: shut up. this is not cute. my back is killing me.

jimin: I know you like this.

jimin knelt further down and kissed his cheek. yoongi made a disgusted face trying to hide which made taehyung laugh and shake his head at how cute but silly his best friends were. then they all got ready and went to their respective offices and colleges.

(I just love yoonmin)

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