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It was Saturday but I refused to sit on my lazy bum so I forced myself to do a major condo reconstruction aka cleaning. It's not that I'm a messy person but I sort of have an obsessive-compulsive disorder when it comes to my things. Everything has to be organized, clean and sparkly - if you get my drift. There is no room for dirt and germs around here, just no way in hell.

By the time I finished cleaning, I was bathed in sweat, smelt like E.T and looked like a hobo so to say that I looked like a mess and that it was the perfect time for my stepsister to knock on my door looking like this, was just perfect. Her timing tops all the worst timings on the Guinness' Book of World Records - which of course I am overreacting.

Matilda was the Medusa to my Perseus. "You look like shit." She scowled at me. "When will you ever learn to look human? Nakakasawa tignan mukha mo, dear sister." She said as she looked at me from head to toe and went inside.

I rolled my eyes, "Kung nagsasawa ka na sa mukha ko," I quoted the last two words and watched her as she took a sit on my couch, "Itigil mo na ang pag punta punta dito." I said as I walk into my kitchen and grabbed some water for me. Bahala siya kumuha ng iinumin niya. "What are you doing here again? If dad begged you to hang out with me again, I'll pass. I have somewhere to go today."

Weekend means Apollo and Caly's day and as usual, we're going somewhere and that is a surprise. It's my call and I plan to take Apollo to Top of the Citi Terrace and have a casual dinner. It'll be a very relaxing moment for us and I don't want anything to get in my way. Not even my most favorite person in the world - the mockery side of me said.

She rolled her eyes and groaned. She even had the decency to put her feet at the top of my center table, the lack of etiquette never left me. "Nah, this isn't Daddy's doing. I really wanted to see you." She said not looking at me and I raised my eyebrows, disbelieving. "Well of course, not because I just really wanted to but because I wanted to ruin your day." That I believe with all my heart.

I went to smack her foot and sat on the couch parallel to where she is, "I told you I can't and I won't let you ruin my day, okay?" I smell alcohol. I crinkled my nose and looked at her with disgust, "It's 4 pm and you're already drunk. Are you being serious right now? Ew."

She smirked and leaned her head on my sofa, "Your innocence make me laugh, baby sister." She giggled. "Where are you going anyway? Got a date?" I watched her as she closed her eyes. 

She looked like a disaster in a red bodycon dress that stopped maybe an inch below her bottom. I'd say like because even with the drunken state she still looked gorgeous.

I shook my head at her silly condition. She keeps on giggling and it somehow made me smile too. She's a wreck. "To feed your curiosity, I do have a date." She moved her legs, "And could you please fix your dress, I can see your panties from here."

She giggled and fixed her dress then went back to her position, "It's not panties darling girl, it's Victoria's Secret. For the beautiful men's fantasy." Men. I crinkled my nose, TMI?

She peeked at me and she giggled. She keeps giggling, it's starting to annoy me. "I knew you were going to crinkle your nose. You're such a prude sometimes. It's sex, honey pie." Then she frowned and stared at me, a mocking smile pasted on her red lips, "Don't tell me..."

I frowned, "What?"

She bit her lips, "You're a virgin." It was declarative. Not a question but a statement. She's such a bitch.

I blushed, "So?"

She laughed - like deep in the stomach kind of laugh. Well, at least she's not giggling anymore. Her giggling makes me want to slit someone's throat with a blade. 

At first, it made me smile because she looked funny but then well, things change. "God," She had the nerve to brush a tear. 

"You're what, at the right age to ravage a fine specimen's body. I mean, you look like you have something freaky going on underneath those ugly clothes." That could have been a compliment if she could've just stopped right there but she didn't.

"Or maybe you just couldn't attract somebody because well, your face is kind of average. It doesn't give the unf. You get me, babe?" I remained mute, pretending I was listening to mighty Matilda's Sex Ed 101. 

She sat up straight, looking like so formal and professional, like a tutee. "Let's do something. You're just a virgin, it's not like you're completely naive to things. Imagine a hot body."

Apollo's shirtless body flashed in my head. Good lord, "Are you some sort of a Sex Guru?" My blush was evident. I could feel the blood rushing its way to my face and into my ears and it suddenly became hot.

She smirked, "Your ears are red. Okay, it's working. Then imagine him kissing you," He was a god in kissing. "Imagine his body hovering above you showing control and primal hunger for you. Imagine him kissing your neck, then your collarbones then your-" I cut her off.

"Oh-kay. Let's not, slutty sister. I did not sign up for a live podcast on Whoring 101. Thank you very much." I said as I pretended to grab the remote control and flick the TV on. "I'm pretty fine with having this barrier inside me still intact, okay? I do not believe in premarital sex."

She laughed, "You're a moron if you think someone is going to stay in a relationship with a virgin like you 'till marriage without doing the bonk." She threw the pillow at my face and I frowned at her. 

"It just doesn't work like that, gullible sister. You're going to end up as a nun trying to find a man with a patience of a priest." She said as she completely laid on my couch and turned her back on me. "And your date? Word of advice. Before you take things really serious, ask him if it's okay if he could wait until marriage and if he doesn't say anything, well, there's your answer."

Apollo isn't like that.

"Hey, I'll crash here, yeah?" She said as she hugged my pillow. "I'll probably be gone when you come back from your holy date."

No More ApolloTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon