Chapter 7: Trip or Trick?

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                         “So, where is the location of this fight club?” asked Zoot as he looked down at Flooyd. “It is up in some mountains in the west. Not many people know the location beside buyers or fighters that want to see the wereanimals fight. I will tell you where to go and how to get you guys in without the guards thinking something is up” replied Flooyd. “How we know you won’t lie” said Lips with a hiss. “If my limbs and my life are on the line, I’m going to tell the truth to save my butt, '' replied the dark red haired male. “So, what is a good time to leave? And will these pills, I have here, help the doc out of whatever that blue liquid is doing to him?” asked the blue male as he showed the bottles of pills to the other. “In the morning, it is a long trip to the location. I don't know about those pills though, I have no idea of that blue liquid.” replied Flooyd. “Is it good to head out right now?” asked Floyd. “I guess, but we would have to wait at night time to get inside since the daytime is training or feeding time which you don’t want to be in '' replied the dark red haired male. “Well, we better get our things ready, we have a long trip” said Lips as he got up from the couch. “Yeah. Animal, watch over him” said Floyd before he walked up the stairs. After 30 minutes of packing clothes and money, Zoot did some extra packing. He packs some clothes for Teeth when they find him. They all packed everything into the vans and throwed the tie up Moopet in the back seat with Animal. Lips got in the driver’s seat and started the van. Then they are off for their mission to save their friend. As the sun rose up, the gang had to stop and get some breakfast. They were sitting in a parking lot waiting for their food that LIps went in and got. Floyd and Janice were cuddling as Animal was holding his pet bunny and feeding it some carrots. Zoot was looking down at his phone and being quiet. Flooyd on the other hand was making huffing sounds as he was hungry. “Will you hold your horses, The food will be here” said Zoot with a hiss coming from his throat. The dark red haired male let out a huff before going silent. Then Lips came to the van with the food. “I’m back with our food” said the blonde male as he started handing out the food. Floyd and Janice got pancakes, and Animal got some bacon with some eggs. Zoot got some eggs and a cup of water. Lips got some pancakes and a cup of orange juice. Flooyd just got bacon and a cup of water. The group ate their breakfast then headed back onto the road. The trip was quiet besides Flooyd being a baby and wouldn’t shut up. Not until Floyd snapped his fingers then Animal started to growl every time that the red haired male tried to act like a baby about something. “Okay, we are at the two paths you were talking about. Which one is it?” asked Lips. “The left” replied the dark red haired male. The blonde male then turned to the left path and started driving on the dirt path. The path was rocky but they still made it through. There were large metal gates that were heavily guarded by people in black suits with wereanimals on chains. The wereanimal were wererottweilers and werepitbulls. They were huge and ready to bite anyone or anything. “What do we do now?” asked Zoot. “Let me get in the front seat because I have an id that they must read and look at me for.” replied Flooyd. “Fine but if you do something else, your head is getting ripped off by Animal!” replied Zoot as he got out and walked to the back of the van. He got Flooyd out and unchain him. The small male made sure that the other got in the front seat and shut the door. He walked to the back of the van again and got inside the back. They pulled up to the gates and waited for one of the men in the black suit to walk up to Flooyd’s side. “Do you have your id on you, sir?” asked the guard. The dark red haired male handed the guard the id and waited for the guy’s response. “Oh! Flooyd, you’re back. Please come inside” said the guard as he handed him back his id. They drove inside and went inside a dark tunnel to a loading parking lot. The parking lot was filled with cages of wereanimals and it gave off creepy vibes to the electric mayhem gang. Janice tightly hugged Floyd and hid her face. He holds the blonde female close as they slowly park in an area that Flooyd told them to park. Everyone got out and followed the dark red haired into a dark hallway. Everyone stopped when Janice let out a scream as someone grabbed her and shocked her. Then Floyd and Animal were next. Finally Zoot and Lips were shocked. “Good boy, Flooyd. You did good.” said Dr. Tooth as he put his hand up to the dark red haired male’s face and rubbed his cheek. Flooyd’s cheek turns red as a strawberry and lets out a small huff. “We better put them in the cages so they won’t mess up our plans then after that, I will give you a lovely treat for being a good fox” said the tall male as he picked up Zoot and Lips bodies and placed them in two cages. Flooyd dragged Animal in one cage then Floyd in another. Tooth picked up Janice like a bride and gently placed her in the cage.

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