Chapter 6: Father's deal

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                             “Boss, I have the guy you want” said the hound as he showed the sloth to Zale. “Hm, good. Put him into a cage, when he wakes up. He doesn't try to attack me,”replied the gray blue-haired male.  The black haired male put the small male into the cage that was already in the room. He shut the door then left the room. Zale walked over to the cage and looked down at Zoot. “Hmm, it was too easy to catch you” said the scar face male as he huffed out a puff of smoke. He kicked the cage which caused the sloth to quickly jump up. “W-what-” the blue male started to say but stopped when he realized who was in the room with him. “Hello father” said Zoot with a snarl. “Is that how you talk to your father after not visiting him for a long time?” replied Zale with a growl coming from his throat. “What do you want!” replied the sloth. “To see my son of course!” replied the gray blue haired male. “Really? I don’t believe that one bit” replied the blue male. “Well, my heart is broken now but I just want to see how my son is doing with his life” replied Zale as he put out the cigar. “That is all you care about” replied the small male with a growl. “So, what is your job now? Or are you still working at that local book store?” replied the tall male as he sat down in a chair that was next to the cage. “I’m in a band,” replied Zoot. “I guess that is better than working at that book store” replied Zale with a hiss. The sloth let out a groan. “How much money do you get?” asked the gray blue hair male as he looked down at his son. “A good amount” replied the blue male. “Do you still play that old saxophone that your mother gave you?” replied Zale with a growl. “Yes” replied Zoot as he stared at his father. Zale let out a groan. “Can you let me out?” asked the sloth. “Would you run away?” replied the gray blue hair male. “I won't,” replied Zoot. “Fine” replied Zale as he pulled out the keys and unlocked the cage. “Sit down” said the gray blue hair male as he opened the cage’s door for the sloth. The small male walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. “When do I get to leave?” asked Zoot. “When an old friend comes,” replied Zale. “Is it someone named Leon?” asked the blue male. “Yes, how do you know?” replied the gray blue hair male with a raised eyebrow. “Just a hunch,” replied Zoot. There was a long quiet moment between the two before one of Zale’s henchmen came in with the old friend. The sloth gulps as he fears what will happen to him and Teeth now since the both are here now. “Boss, this guy said he is here to meet you” said the weresnake with a hiss coming from her throat. “Ah! Leon, Leon, how nice to see you” said Zale with a fake smile on his face before he waved the giant snake away. “Cut the act! What do you want?” replied Leon with a hiss. “For a deal” replied the gray blue hair male. “What is the deal?” asked the large male. “I saw you on one of the TVs at the market of wereanimals and heard of the people who were ready to spin their lifetime money on you. There was a wanted poster for you, alive. The prize is one million dollars. The deal is to let me take you in and get my prize but if you don’t. Well, you know what happens. You will say goodbye to your friend here” replied Zale with a smirk on his face. The air got thick around the two men and a choice of life and death is on the line. Turn himself in or have Zoot stuck with his abusive father who would probably kill him.

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