Chapter 3: keep your word

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The band stayed out until four in the morning. They noticed that the moon is dying down which means that they better be making their way back to the house.  Floyd and Janice were in front of the group as Animal was trying to play with Lips' tail as they walked back to the house. Zoot noticed that Teeth had stopped in his tracks and something that caught his eyes. The sloth looked over to see a deer that was eating some grass. The large cat seems to be watching it like his prey… Zoot walked over to the cheshire cat and tapped him on the side. Teeth shook his head and looked down at the small male. “What?” asked the feline. “You were zone out, doc” replied the sloth. Teeth looked up back to the deer but it had run off. He let out a quiet growl before he replied to the small male. “Sorry about that, let’s head back” replied Teeth as they started to follow the others back home. Zoot still had that feeling of distrust from finding out about the bull killed. He started to think of what other things the good doctor had done behind their backs. The sloth remembers that day where Floyd and Teeth got into a fight about the doc having a relationship with Janice before she got with Floyd. He remembered only one part and that was the pounce that Teeth did to grab the red-haired male’s mustache. It would come back and haunt the blue male as he kept looking into the flash back for something. Was it the doc’s feral self that did it or was it really him? Zoot shook his head as they got to the house and everyone started heading inside to get as much sleep they could. He walked into the house after Teeth had walked in and headed to his bedroom. The sloth walked up to his room and got into his bed. Zoot let out a huff before falling asleep for the rest of the night. In the morning, Zoot was woken by Animal dragging his butt out of bed. “I’m up!” said the tired male as he got up from the floor after the drummer had dragged him out of his bed. Animal heads out of the saxophonist's room and heads downstairs for breakfast. He noticed that the drummer was still wearing his ripped pants from last night which he always wears even though Floyd tries to get him to change out of the ripped pairs but it never works. The blue male grabbed a random t-shirt that was laying on a chair in his room before heading downstairs for breakfast. He walked into the kitchen to see Janice cooking some pancakes for the gang. Zoot sat down next to Lips, who was reading a book. Floyd was drinking a cup of black coffee to get him ready for the day. Animal was chewing on one of his drumsticks as he waited for the fluffy pancakes. Teeth was just looking on his phone in his royal purple robe. “Good morning, Zoot” said Janice as she set a plate of pancakes in front of the blue male. “Good morning” replied Zoot with a soft smile on his face. He began to eat the pancakes which were amazing. The rest of the band talked and ate the pancakes, they talked about what may happen when they get to the studio. After they finished breakfast, they got ready for the day. Lips was putting his trumpet case in the van when Zoot came up to him. “Lips, I need to speak to you” said the small male as he set his saxophone case next to the trumpet player’s case. “Sure, what is it?” replied Lips. “It's about last night,” replied Zoot. “Uh sure” replied the blonde male. “Remember when you and the doc were talking about that event of him killing a bull?” asked the blue male. The blonde male’s face turned to a worried look. “Y-yeah” replied the trumpet player. “Well, when we were heading back to the house, I noticed something. Teeth as watching something from a distance, it was a deer. He looked like it was his prey” replied Zoot with a dark tone to his voice. “Maybe he was just watching, but he said that the bull attack was an accident. You know the doc wouldn’t lie about that” replied Lips with a nervous look on his face. The blue male was quiet for a moment. “Maybe you’re right” replied Zoot as he rubbed the back of his head. The band loaded everything in the van and took off to the studio. Lips was reading a book that he hadn't read since high school. It was Animal Farm by Geroge Orwell, about how animals took over a farm for their freedom but the pigs started to change things to dark and unfair ways. He always thought that the book was odd but a good book. The blond male remembers how the animals have rules but they keep getting broken by the pigs. Lips thought about last night but shook his head. “No, he wouldn’t lie about that. Right?” he thought as they pulled into the parking lot of the studio. They all got out and started unloading their things. After they got everything inside and set up, they were checking to see if everything was working. Lips was checking his trumpet when Teeth came up to him. “Lips, May I speak with you?” asked the good doctor. “Alright” replied the blonde male. He followed the band leader away from the other. When they were alone, Lips felt a dark tone when they were alone. “Lips, by chance, did you tell Zoot about the event?” asked Teeth with a bit of bitterness on his tongue. “No, I haven’t told him about it. He probably walked in on us talking about it.” replied Lips as he felt the tone started to get a bit darker. “Fine. Don’t tell anyone about the events because you know how that ends, right?” replied the good doctor as his grin turned to a small snarl. “Yes, I do. I will not tell everyone about the event” replied the blonde male. Teeth’s mood changed quickly when Janice came to get them for the morning meeting that Kermit is having. “We better be going,” said Teeth before he walked away with the blonde female. Lips let out a breath that he was holding. He knew that the doc is serious because by the tone he was using and how he knows about Lips’s secret. When the trumpet player was in high school, he had killed a rabbit when he was upset and had gone to the woods to clear his mind in his werelion state. The blonde male didn’t mean it and it had tramaize him. Lips don’t want to look at any animals for months, out of fear of it happening again. Teeth knows about it from the time he told the doc to get it off his chest. Now, Lips starts to worry about the good doctor keeping his secret. The blonde male walks over to the rest of the muppets for the morning meeting. Kermit goes over about how filming is going to go and what will happen. When it came time to film, everything went well. After filming the episode for tonight, Zoot was putting up his saxophone in its case. Lips walked over to the blue male and tapped him on the shoulder. Zoot looks over to the blonde male and knows something is bothering Lips. “What's wrong?” asked the blue male. “I need to speak to you,” replied Lips.

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