Chapter 9: fever?

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The band had stopped over by a small town for a few days to rest up from being on the road for a long time. Janice and Floyd were picking up some food for dinner as the rest of the band mates were back in the hotel. “Floyd?” ask the blonde female as they wait for their order food to be made. “Yes?” replied the red haired male. “Do you feel something off about this town?” asked Janice as she looked uncomfortable. “No…What are you feeling, love?” replied Floyd. “It feels like we are being watched by someone or something here…Like an eagle about to attack a rabbit” she replied. Before Floyd could reply to his lover, their food was ready to be picked up.

Back at the hotel, Animal was playing with his rabbit. Teeth, Lips, and Zoot were on the couch together cuddling while watching a movie. The blonde male had his head on the doc’s lap while Zoot was laying against the band leader’s chubby self. Teeth had thoughts going on in his head which is normal but these thoughts were…a bit dark. “Why do they like me? I look ugly with these scars, I put them in danger.” thought the ginger hair male as he let out a sigh as he laid a hand on Lips’ head. A small smile formed on his face as he felt the warmth from his two lovers.

Hours later, Floyd and Janice brought the food back and everyone was eating. Zoot kept his eyes on Teeth as they were eating to make sure that Teeth was eating all the food that was on his plate. He hadn’t been eating much the past days but he is slowly getting better and eating a bit more. The small blue male smiles as his lover finishes his plate with a smile on his face. After dinner, they all sit down on the couch and watch movies. Soon everyone was asleep besides Teeth. He got up and headed to the bathroom. The doc shut the door behind him and got on his knees in front of the toilet. He opens the lid of the toilet and slowly sticks two fingers into his mouth and to his throat. Teeth suddenly throw up the food from dinner, tears roll down his face as his body burns.

After a few minutes, the doc laid on the floor, panting in pain. Tears still run down his face as his body still burns up. Teeth turn on some water in the bathtub and start taking off his clothes. He got in and laid his head back onto the wall. His body felt like it was on fire. He soon felt his body getting hotter. Teeth got out of the tub and grabbed a towel to wrap himself in it. The doc felt his head get lighter and soon he blackout. A loud thud was heard as the band leader fell to the ground.

Hours passed before Teeth woke up to himself in his bed with a towel that was holding ice on his forehead. Lips walk in with a bowl of chicken soup. “W..what happened?” asked the band leader in a weak, tired tone. “You have a fever, doc,” replied Lips. “Oh” replied the sick male. “Now rest so that you can get better” replied the blonde male before he left the room.

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