Chapter 11: Scare of love?

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It was an hour before lunch was being made by Teeth in the kitchen. Zac walked into the kitchen because he wondered where the smell of some good food was coming from. “What is for lunch? It smells good” said the dark-haired male with a smile on his face. “Just some hot dogs with a salad on the side” replied the doc with a smile on his face. “I bet it is good when it is done” replied Zac with a smile. Teeth let out a chuckle. “You know, I never expect my brother to find someone like you,” said the dark haired male as he sat down at the table. “Huh?” replied the large male as he was shocked to hear that. “My brother is the type that can’t really make friends but is a good guy to be with. I’m just glad that he found friends who care for him. I hope he finds someone to be his lover” replied ac with a sigh. “Yeah” replied the doc as he finished cooking the hot dogs. “Maybe you could be his lover,” said the dark haired male. Teeth let out a cough as he was caught off guard by the dark haired male. “W-what?” asked the large male with blush on his face. “You could be the lover that he is looking for. I mean whenever he calls me, he won’t shut up about you and seems like he may be falling for you” replied Zac. “Maybe I’m just a great friend to him! I doubt that he could be in love with me, I mean I’m a love bug but can’t hold a long relationship” replied Teeth with a sigh and a panicked look on his face. “Are you scared?” asked the dark haired male with a worried tone in his voice. “Scare of what?” replied the doc. “Scared of finally finding a lover who cares for you. You may be scared of if it would work out or if it doesn’t work out. More scared of what bad things could happen” replied Zac. Teeth stayed silent and didn’t say anything. “I think you should try out the relationship when Zoot asks. You can take it slow so that you don’t let the bad ideas come to your mind and make you break the relationship up out of fear. I know that my brother would make you happy when he takes it at your own time, to make you comfortable. He deeply cares for you and will do anything to keep you safe from anything or anyone” said the dark haired male. “Maybe you're right,” replied the large male with a tired smile. He remembers the look on Zoot’s face when the doc was going to be taken away by Consatntine. How he kept trying to break him out of the cage, the look of fear in his face. “Hey, are you going to be okay?” asked Zac. “Yeah, go get the rest of the band and tell them that lunch is done” replied Teeth with his famous smile. “Alright” replied the dark haired male as he got up from the table and walked out of the room. The doc’s smile faded away and he looked down at the floor. “Maybe he is right, maybe I am scared for a relationship that doesn't last for one night” the large male thought to himself. Teeth jumped when Animal ran into a wall after playing outside. The drummer let out some pants with a huge smile on his fluffy face. “Animal, you need to be more careful when you’re running inside the house” chuckled the band leader as he placed the plate of food in front of Animal. Drummer started to eat up the food like he hadn't eaten in days. Floyd and Janice come into the kitchen. Floyd had some flowers in his ponytail, as well for Janice. They both sat together at the table with the red haired male next to Animal. Lips come in with a book in his hand, he probably was reading when Zac got the blonde male. Then Zoot and his brother come in. Everyone was now at the table, eating the food that Teeth had made for lunch. During lunch, everyone was enjoying the food. They also talk about what they may do later after lunch. Zoot noticed something off about the doc. He was hardly eating his food which is a red flag to the blue male. The small male remembers when he first met Teeth and Animal, when Teeth started to not eat as much. It would mean that something is wrong or something is on his mind that was causing him trouble. Zoot knows if it would start to get worse when Animal starts to be closer and follows the large male around. Maybe later when the two are alone, he should ask Teeth about it.

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