Chapter 12: Mansion

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It was midnight when they got to the mansion. There was a person outside waiting. The guy was a muppet monster in a suit which is something you don’t see everyday. His fur was a darkish green mixed with some dark orange colors. The horns of the male were dark brown and straight but have some cracks and chips missing.  Teeth stopped the van and got out. “Grandpa Adonis!” said the chubby male as he walked up to the other male. “Leon, my grandson! How have you been?” replied Adonis as he gave his grandson a hug. “It's been rough but it's been okay” replied the doc as he looked up at the muppet monster. “That is good. Your mother stopped by to tell me that you, Monty and your friends are going to be at the reunion? Am I right?” asked the muppet monster as he fixed his glasses that sat on his nose.

“Right! My mother said that we can stay at the mansion with you for the reunion” replied Teeth with a soft smile on his face. “Good! I wouldn’t mind meeting your friends and having some people to talk to for a while” replied Adonis with a smile that showed more of his tusks that were already showing out of his mouth, same with his saber-like fangs. “Alright, I will get them and get settled” replied the doc as he walked back to the van. “Guys, let's grab our things and head inside” said Teeth as he picked up a few bags of things. After everyone got their things inside, the doc and Monty took everyone’s bags and put them in the rooms they were staying in. Meanwhile the rest of the band were sitting on the couch when Adonis brought some food and drinks to the group. “Here is something to eat and drink, I heard you guys do a lot of road trips. Am I right?” said the beast as he sat down in a red chair that was next to a huge fireplace. “Right” replied Floyd as he took a small piece of cinnamon roll and took a bite of it. “So, you are my grandson’s friends and bandmates?” asked Adonis.

“Fer sure!” replied Janice as she took a drink of some tea that was brought. “What are your names?” asked the muppet monster with a soft smile. “I”m Floyd Pepper” replied the red haired male before he took another bite of the sweet roll. “I’m Janice” replied the blonde female with a smile. “I’m Lips,” replied Lips as he picked up a cinnamon roll. “I’m Zoot” replied Zoot as he took a cup of tea and drank some of it. “I’m Animal!” said the drummer as he dug into a roll that he was eating. “Well, it is nice to meet you all,” replied Adonis with a smile on his face. Then Teeth and Monty just walked into the room and sat down. “Monty! It's been a long time since I saw you.” said the beast with a soft smile on his face. “Yeah, it's been a long time since well, you know me being a pirate” replied Monty with a chuckle. “Yes, a life at sea” replied Adonis with a small laugh. The rest of the time, they all talk and enjoy their time until it is time to turn in for the night.

Teeth were laying on the comfortable bed, looking out of the window. The dark quiet night was peaceful to the chubby male. He let out a sigh before going to sleep for the night. Everyone was sleeping peacefully but was unaware of someone watching them. Watching Monty especially the most of the whole group. Up in a tree near Monty’s bedroom window was a large male looking through the window. The male was Agwe, Monty’s father or creator. Agwe was an odd and creepy member of the dontshoot family. The only member not married but has kids. One kid now since…He killed Monty’s sister. The guy was never on the good side of the family, mostly Lisa, Teeth’s mother. She would keep Monty and his sister, Oceania over at her place a lot due to her not trusting Agwe with kids or any living thing.

What does Agwe want with Monty now?....To be continue in volume 5, Horns of Genes

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