Chapter 6: Escape?

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Teeth and Monty wander the halls of this building. The halls only had one light and that was the moonlight through the windows. “New look?” asked the leopard orca as they walked. He noticed that Teeth’s stripes were now curly like a tiger or some vines. Large fangs that he saw go through the neck of his prey without trouble. He got bigger and more bulkier than he remembered. The doc’s claws were long and sharper than before, also thicker. “I guess you can say that” replied the smilodon before his mood went down. “What's wrong?” asked Monty. “I’m just worried,” replied Teeth. “Worry about what?” asked the sea weed cover male. “What if my friends see me as a monster now or something worse!” replied the feline as tears form in the corner of his eyes. “Leon, I know that they wouldn’t see you as that. They love you with all of their hearts! I think they will see you as their same friend as before” replied Monty as he gave his cousin a hug. “Maybe you’re right. Thank you, Monty” replied Teeth as he hugged back. “If they do, I just cut them with my sword,” replied the leopard orca. “Montgomery!” snapped the smilodon. “I'm joking,” replied the seaweed-covered male. “Better be” replied the feline. The two continue to walk until they get to a door that leads into the cage area. Teeth open the door and walk into the large room. Cage wereanimals were asleep, a lot with bloody wounds. The two walk down the floor that was clear and look around. Teeth spotted a tail that he knew too well. “Animal!?” call out the doc with hope. The tail turned around and it was Animal! The drummer’s eyes wide and a happy smile formed on his face. The newfoundland quickly ran up to the feline and jumped on top of him. The hound started to lick his face as his tail wags in happiness. “I miss you too” said Teeth as he got the drummer to stop licking him. Then the three heard voices coming which they knew. Floyd, Janice, Zoot, and Lips come around from a corner and their eyes wide as they see their fellow friend. “Teeth!” yelled the band as they ran over to the doc and all hugged him with tears in their eyes. Teeth wrapped his arms around his friends and let his tears fall down his face. “I miss you guys!” said the feline. “We miss you too!” replied the band as they let go of their band leader. They noticed something different about Teeth. “Hey man, you look different” pointed out Floyd as his fluffy eyebrow raised up. “They put something in me to make me into this” replied Teeth. “At least you are okay,” replied Janice. “Yeah” replied the doc. “What do we do now?” asked Floyd. “Get out of here” replied Monty as he pointed to a door. The group slowly walked to the door and slowly opened it. Zoot sticks out his head and looks around for anything but nothing. “All clear here” said the sloth as they moved out of the building. The group noticed that something was off. It felt like they were being hunted. Animal stopped and started to growl, letting out some barks. The group started to see packs of werewolves that were huge. On the back of the leader was Constantine with a brown fur coat keeping the cold off of himself. He was holding a gun. The wolves started to get closer to the group and started to snap at them. The werewolves started to move them away from Teeth. Monty starts to snarl at the wolves but Teeth let out a growl to stop him. Now it was just him and the russian frog.

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