Chapter 4: Lost mind?

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                   “What is it?” asked Zoot as he and Lips were in a small area away from everyone. “Can you make a promise?” asked Lips. “Of course I can,” replied the blue male. “Can you not tell the others about what me and Teeth talked about last night?” asked the blonde male with a worried look on his face. “Yeah, I wouldn’t tell anyone without your permission.” replied Zoot. “Did something happen?” asked the small male. Lips stayed quiet for a moment before answering the blue male. “Well, Teeth had talked to me about it and he had found out that you know about that event. He wasn’t happy and I  thought that would be dead meat! His tone was dark and creepy! What if he tells the others about my secret?” replied the blonde male. “Oh dear, I’m sorry! Lips, I will make your secret won’t get out by the doc.” replied Zoot as he hugged Lips. The trumpet player hugged the saxophonist back. “You promise?” asked Lips. “Yes,” replied Zoot. “Thank you, Zoot,”replied the blonde male. After a few minutes, they followed their bandmates outside the studio and headed to the van. They got their things packed up and inside the van. They got into the vans and got out of the parking lot. The drive home was long and quiet. Zoot looked over to Teeth who was driving. “How could the good doctor threaten someone? Especially his friend! He has never done that before. Why now?” the blue male thought as he turned his head and looked out of the window. Lucky tonight there wasn't a full moon again until this Sunday night. So that the band don’t have to worry about their forms tonight. When they got home, Zoot followed Teeth into the kitchen after they had put their stuff up. “Doc,” said the small male as he walked up to the large male. “Hm? What is it?” replied Teeth as he looked over to the blue male. “Teeth, I know it ain’t mind business of who you talk to but if it is our friends and if it causes them trouble. I should know. Did you threaten Lips?” replied Zoot with a snarl. “Zoot, you should keep your head out of my business.” replied the good doctor. “Lips came to me in fear of what would happen! You know that he would never tell anyone without your permission. Threatened him with the fact you know his secret is just wrong!” replied the small male with a hiss coming from his throat. “Zoot. I had to do something just to make sure that event never gets out and causes trouble. Besides I wouldn’t do it, it was just a warning” replied the good doctor as he looked down at Zoot with a snarl slowly forming his face. “Stilled, you just can’t threaten someone! Doc, I don’t know what caused you to start doing but it ain’t good.” replied Zoot as he looked at Teeth, dead in the eyes. Then the room’s air got thick quickly and the feeling got cold and creepy. When he looked up, it felt like he was looking death in the eyes. Teeth was looking at him like the deer last night, his pupils were like cat’s pupils. The blue male looked at the green male’s hand to see some fur on his hand. He could hear a deep growl coming from the pitch of his throat. “Listen here, saxman! I run things around here and I can do whatever that is needed to keep things under control! Now, you should keep your little mouth shut or we would have some trouble” said the doc as he grabbed Zoot’s face. A creepy smile formed on his face and the small male’s spine shook in fear. “You remember what happened to the last person that betrayed me.” said Teeth with a hiss. Then he let go of the blue male’s face and turned his back to him. Zoot put his hand to his cheek bone and looked at the good doctor. The small male walked out of the room and headed up to his bedroom. He shut the door behind him and grabbed his phone. Zoot dialed a number and waited for the person on the other side. “Hello, Lisa,” said the blue male. “Zoot? That you?” asked the female on the phone line. “Yes, I have something to tell you about Teeth” replied Zoot. “W-what happened?” asked Lisa with fear and a worried tone. “I think he is losing control but I’m not sure yet. Do you have something to maybe help him to stop it or control it?” replied the small male. The female on the other side was quiet for a few seconds. “I do. It is a type of pill but it has a side effect for the first two weeks but it works. His father used them a lot and it works. I can send you some bottles of it but you have to help him through it.” replied Lisa with a saddened tone. “I would like that but what are the side effects of the pills?” replied Zoot. “It would make him throwed up a few times and may give him a fever that won’t be bad but it would still burn him up. You would need to keep him from getting stress or any high emotions that could cause the pills to not work or the effects to be not good. When he is in his wereform, keep him away from anything that moves and that he can see as prey! It could make him into a feral beast and lose control.” replied the female. “Alright, when will the pills be here?” replied the blue male. “I will send it tonight and it will be here on Thursday. If there is nothing that goes wrong during the mailing.” replied Lisa. “Alright, thank you for your help” replied Zoot. “Your welcome, I only want the best for my son” replied the female before they both hung up. Lisa set the home phone down and walked up to her and her husband’s bedroom. She opened a box that was under a dresser and opened the box. Black bottles of red pills were in the box, the pills were called “Peaceful Beast Pills.” She took fifthteen bottles of the pills and put them in a small white bag. Lisa took the bag downstairs and grabbed an empty mailing box and set the bag in the box. She shut the box up for it to be mailed. The tall female grabbed her black jacket and then grabbed the box, and headed out of the house. Lisa headed down to the local mailing center and walked inside. The tall female got a piece of stick and filled it out with the information for the package. She then handed it to the lovely mail lady that was waiting for her to hand her the box. “I hope that they get there in time. Son, I hope you are okay” said Lisa as she left the mailing house.

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