Chapter 1: Fetch of past

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The band was at the studio but something was off. Teeth and Animal were together non stop and kept looking around like someone was watching the two males. When Floyd tried to get the drummer to follow him, he didn’t move from the doc’s side. This causes the red haired male to be confused by this but not to question it and force Animal to move from the band leader’s side. “Have you guys noticed that Animal and Teeth are acting strange?” asked Floyd as he set his guitar down. “Now that you mention it, yeah. I noticed that Animal wasn’t leaving Teeth’s side for anything.” replied Janice. Lips shake his head yes as he cleans his trumpet. Zoot was taking a nap as the others talked about their friends' behavior. “Maybe it's probably just nothing,” said the blond female with a worried tone in her voice. “Maybe” replied the red haired male. The group stayed quiet for a bit before Teeth and Animal walked into the hangout room. “Hey guys” said Teeth as he sat down on the bean bag next to the sleeping Zoot. “Hey doc” replied Lips as he set his trumpet back into its case. “What are you guys doing?” replied the band leader. “Just fixing up our instrument and talking about random things” replied the blonde male. “Alright” replied Teeth before Animal brought the doc one of his drum sticks. The drummer dropped the stick on the large male’s lap which made the band leader cocked an eyebrow. “What is it?” asked Teeth as he picked up the drumstick from his lap. “Fetch” said Animal with a smile on his face. “Fetch? Alright, Let’s head into a spot where there's a lot of room for us to play” replied the doc as he stood up with the stick in his hand. “Come on, wild man” said the large male as the two walked out of the room. The group let out a sigh after the two left. “I still find it strange how Animal being around the doc more than me,” said Floyd. “Yeah but maybe he just wants to spin sometime with Teeth” replied Janice as she lightly kissed the red-haired male’s face. “Yeah, maybe you’re right” replied Floyd as he kissed the blonde female back. Meanwhile with Teeth and Animal, the two were playing fetch outside of the studio. The drummer brought the drumstick back to the band leader after the doc throwed the stick. “Good boy” said Teeth as Animal dropped the wet stick in his hand. The drummer rubbed his head on the doc’s hand while the large male petted Animal’s head. “I’m glad that I have you, bud” he softly said as he petted the drummer’s head. Animal let out a wine as he could tell that Teeth feeling down all of a sudden. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me” said the doc. “Let’s keep playing fetch” replied the large male as he looked down at the stick. “Okay” the drummer softy said, still unsure about the well being of his band leader. Back in the hangout room, Zoot had woken up and noticed that the rest of the gang was gone. He slowly took out a book in his jacket. It was the book title “Leon’s book, don’t open!” The blue male turns to the page where the picture is stuck. The page first starts with one sentence. “I can’t” which causes the small male’s eyes to grow wide. The page continues. “Me and Drake just got back from his football win party. During the party, he wouldn’t stop telling his friends about me being…plus size and making jokes about my weight or things that I am uncomfortable with. I asked him to stop but he told me to shut up or he would slap me. Like he hasn't many times before. After we got back, he started to insult me for being quiet and not letting his “friends” hug or touch me. I told him that I was uncomfortable around them but he cut me off by slapping me on the cheek. “You better keep your mouth shut or that monster you called “a kid” gets thrown out into the streets where he belongs!” I shut up to keep Animal safe. I don’t want anything to happen to that kid after he was thrown into the river when I was in the mafia. I should have pulled my knife out on him but I can’t. Drake is too famous on the football team that he is on and the fact his father is a mafia boss that is trying to find me to use my fur as a new coat for his wife and my bones to try to make himself a Cheshire cat but it doesn’t work like that. “Go to your room, I don’t want to see you right now, pig” said Drake with a hiss. I headed to my room where Animal was sleeping on my bed. I laid next to him and just hugged him as tears fell down my face. Ruining my makeup but I couldn’t care for it. I can leave the relationship because if I leave, Animal and me would be killed by Drake and his father. When the day comes, I will escape. No matter what I must do to get me and Animal out of the hell hole of a relationship…” The page ends. Zoot’s eyes were wide and rage filled the blue male’s body. “How could someone do that! How could he do that to Teeth and threaten the little Animal!” Zoot thought as he let out a small growl. The small male looked down at his hand and noticed that small claws were growing on his fingertips. Zoot takes some deep breaths in and out to keep himself from transforming into his sloth self. He calmed down and then looked back at the book. The blue male then put the book back in his jacket to read more later.

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