Chapter 5: Jaws of Hyena

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Monty and Teeth found a hallway after getting out of the ring. “I think we are out of the clear for now” said the seaweed-covered male as he ripped some curtains off the windows. He used one curtain to wrap some wounds on Teeth. The feline let out some whines  as he felt pressure on the wounds. “Y-you should wrap up your wounds” said the doc as he looked at his cousin. “That can wait” replied Monty as he finishes wrapping up the last wound. Teeth took the leftover of the curtains and wrapped up the leopard orca’s wounds. The seaweed cover made some soft growls as he felt pressure on the wounds. “Thanks,” said Monty. “No problem” replied Teeth with a weak smile on his face. The moment was cut short by a hyena that the smilodon knew too well. “Well,well, look who has come to save you” said Tooth with a grin on his face. Teeth let out a growl which also made Monty growl as well since he can tell that this guy wasn’t good news. “What do you want!” snapped the cheshire smilodon. “Only to capture the boss’s prize” replied the hyena with a snarl. The feline’s back fur stands up as his face forms a snarl that looks like something from a horror film. The seaweed cover male looked over to his cousin then back to the other male. Then out of nowhere, Teeth jumped at the hyena and started to bite the male. The two start to claw and bite each other, like wolves fighting over a pack. Monty quickly pulled Tooth off of his cousin and slammed him into the wall. The hyena looks at the seaweed-covered male with a look of evil. “You’re a ugly looking man” said the hyena with a laugh but was cut off when the hand on his neck started to squeeze his neck hard. The leopard orca let out a growl to the other male. “What should we do with him?” asked Monty as he looked over to Teeth. The doc thought about it and got a good idea. He went over to the window and opened it. His cousin gave him a confused look. “How about we throw him out the window here?” said the doc with an evil smirk on his face. Tooth’s face turns into fear and quickly looks at the two. “C-can we just talk about this?” asked the hyena with a squeak. The two both had a grin on their faces that made the hyena gulped in fear. Monty picks up Tooth and throws him out of the window. “Now what?” asked the seaweed cover male. “Is the band here?” asked the feline. “From what Lips texted me, yeah” replied Monty. “Let’s find them then” replied the smilodon as he walked down the dark hallway with his cousin following behind him. Meanwhile with the others, Floyd was keeping Zot away from Janice. Zoot on the other hand was running away from the weresnake. Why did the snake want to go after him out of all people! The sloth quickly ran down a hallway but it was a dead end. His heart was beating faster by the second as he heard the hissing of the blue snake. “There you are” hissed the snake as it came closer to the small male. Fear crawled up Zoot’s spine as he felt the snake getting closer and closer to him. The snake uses its tail to wrap around the sloth and bring him close. “So small and weak” chuckled the reptile. Zoot felt his soul leave his body and tears forming in the corners of his eyes. The blue scale snake slowly opens his mouth and shows his fangs to the small male. The sloth closes his eyes and fears for the worse. Then he felt the snake’s tail let go of him but it was like it just died. Zoot opens his eyes to see Lips with the snake in his mouth. Half of its torso was ripped off of its body. Blood was over his face and claws. “L-Lips?” asked the blue male in fear and shock. The lion dropped the snake which caused some blood to get on Zoot. “What?” asked the blonde male. “Nothing, let’s go find the others” replied the small male as the two walked out of the dead end. Meanwhile with Floyd and Janice, the wolf had the raccoon corner to a wall. The blue male let out a hiss and tried to claw the red haired male’s face off but was tackled by Animal. The hound bit Zot and was ripping into his arm. Floyd quickly pulled the drummer off of the wounded racoon before he could kill him by accident. “Woah! Woah! Animal!” snarled the wolf as he held Animal’s collar to keep the hound from killing the guy. The drummer kept growling and snapping at Zot. Janice had her eyes covered since it was too brutal to see herself. She remembers the time Animal had attacked someone who tried to shoot her for being a deer. The guy didn’t make it. The drummer only stopped when Teeth let out a roar and along with a dark tone of his name being called out.

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