Chapter 11: office

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                                       “How did that lion get the Peace V-7!” yelled Constantine as he threw a glass at one of the moopets that were in his office. “I don’t know, boss!” said Lops as he dodged the glass and it shattered on the wall. “Well! Now we have lost our customers!” yelled the Russian frog. Everyone went silent which wasn't surprising. “Quiet now? Why-” Constantine was cut off by Joonice and was told to listen. There were footsteps coming up to the door which the moopets knew could be two of electric mayhem members. Constantine quickly ducked under his desk as the moopets got into place to attack the two. The doors opened to Zoot and Animal walking in. “Show yourself! You frog!” yelled the sloth as he started to walk over to the desk. Lops suddenly jumped on top of the small male and pinned him to the floor of the office. Zot had grabbed Animal and pinned him to the floor as well even though he wouldn’t stop moving. “Are they down?” asked Constantine as he peaked up from under his desk. “Yes” said the raccoon as he struggled to hold the hound down. “Oh! Good!” said the russian frog as he got up from under the desk and walked around. “Hm, the sloth and the dog. Not much money comes from them. Maybe we could use them for a deal with their friend.” said the russian frog with a smirk on his face. “Take them to the rooftops. I will meet you up there with Dr. Nicole.” said Constantine. Lops picked up Zoot and took him out of the frog’s office. The sloth kept biting and clawing the large cheetah but was knocked out by Joonice with a punch. Zot kept carrying Animal but when they got to the hallway, the newfoundland bit his arm which caused him to let go. “No!” yelled the raccoon as he tried to catch the drummer but lost him in the hallways. Animal quickly runs to a window room which shows the ring. When he looked down, he quickly tried to break the window. Teeth was in a headlock by a werebear and getting the daylights beat out of him by Tooth. The hound ran back then put all of his body force into breaking the window. Glass shatters everywhere as the newfoundland lands on a body of a dead werehorse. He quickly jumped on top of the werehyena and started clawing at the large beast. “What the hell!” yelled Tooth as he grabbed the drummer’s tail and threw him against the wall. Animal let out a painful whine as he hit the wall. Tooth looked at the hound but was hit with something. It was the werebear’s headless body. He looked up to see Teeth holding the head of the bear with eyes that are like horror movie monsters. The hyena felt like he was looking death in the eyes. “How.Dare.You!” yelled the Cheshire cat as he changed at the other male and slammed him into a nearby wall. The hyena then was punched, kicked, and throwed around the ring. The large feline kicked the hyena straight in the nose. Tooth coughed up some blood but got up from the floor to only be slammed into the wall again and punched in the jaw. The punch caused the gold tooth that the hyena had to come out with some blood.  Tooth laid on the ground, shaking and coughing up some blood. Teeth stand over the hyena’s body and watch him in his weak state. “Go on… Kill me” said Tooth as he laid on the blood cover floor. The Cheshire cat turned his back to the male and walked over to his drummer who was up and waiting for his leader. “Show me where the others are,” said Teeth. Animal let out a bark and led the large feline to a metal door which Teeth knocked down so that they could get through. He led the large cat to a stairway that goes to the rooftop. Meanwhile with Zoot, he was tied up and was laying on the ground of the roof. Constantine was in a helicopter with Dr. Nicole. “You won’t get away with this!” yelled the sloth. “Oh! I have already!” yelled back Constantine with a smile on his face. Then everyone went silent as footsteps of a huge creature were heard and felt. The Cheshire cat was now on the rooftop and ready to stand up to the frog.

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