Chapter 6: Raccoon trap

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All day the band watches over their feral leader. Janice would bring food and water down for Teeth and remove the muzzle. Oddly he didn’t attack her but ate and drank. Later when it became night, Zoot stayed down in the basement to watch over the feline. Teeth had turned into his werecheshirecat form which he had to adjust the chain size that was holding him down. It was all quiet until the blue male had heard something knocking on the window of the basement. The small male looked up and felt fear crawling up his spine. It was a wereraccoon that was trying to get in. Zoot slowly moved away and got into a counter. He grabbed his shotgun that he left in the basement to keep Floyd from wanting to test it out. The blue male keeps the shotgun next to his side and waits for the raccoon to come in. After a few minutes, the raccoon came in and slowly walked around the Cheshire cat. “Seems like someone already got him ready  for the transport,” said the blue mammal. “What” Zoot thought as he was hidden from the other view. “Now, time to wait for Lops and Flooyd to bring the transport truck. Boss is going to be proud of us for bringing his prize home.” said the Raccoon as he slowly starts to grab one of the chains to see how strong the chains are. Then Zoot showed up from his hiding spot and pointed the shotgun to the other head. “Who are you and what the hell you want with the doc!” said the blue male with a snarl coming from his throat. The blue raccoon stayed quiet and didn’t move. “Zoot, I’m surprised you didn’t remember me.” said the blue mammal with a small smile forming on his face. “What the hell is that supposed to mean!” replied Zoot with a hiss. “Does Zot ring a tone?” replied the raccoon. Zoot’s eyes widened as that name clicked in his mind. “Why are you here then! I thought you and the rest of your copycats were with the Moopets!” replied the small male with a growl coming from his throat. “We were but we got a better job with wealth. Our new boss treats us better than that Moopet frog and pays better.” replied Zot as he turned around and faced the blue male. “Ok but why do your boss want the doc!” replied Zoot. The raccoon’s eyes looked behind the small male and it looked like there was someone behind him. “Our boss runs a wereanimal fight club and he has been wanting to see how powerful a Cheshire cat is. So, I told him that we know one and where he lives. That's why we are here” replied Zot with a smirk growing on his face. Then Zoot jumped as he got shocked by something and made him fall to the ground. “Good job, Lops but we need to hurry before we get jumped by the rest of his bandmates” said the raccoon as they walked over to the large feline. Lops put a shot of sleeping liquid into the feline so that it won’t wake up and kill them. The two got the Cheshire cat out of the basement and out of the house. Lops and Zot load up the feline and get into the truck but they find out that Flooyd is missing. “Where is that asshole!” yelled Zot. “Who cares! We need to get out of here! He can find us later!” yelled back Lops as he started the truck and drove off with Teeth. Meanwhile, Flooyd was being held down by Animal who was growling and snarling at the male. Flooyd was in Teeth’s room to find anything useful but he didn’t think of the drummer sleeping in the room.  “Animal! What wrong man!?” asked Floyd as he came down the stairs and stopped when he saw what it was. “What the hell! What are you doing in our house!” said the red hair male as he grabbed the other male from Animal by the neck of his shirt. “N-nothing!” replied Flooyd as he tried to get the other male to let go of him. “That is a lie!” replied the red hair male as he pinned the male to the wall. Flooyd didn’t say anything else to Floyd and started to refuse to speak. “You better speak up or we’re going to have some problems!” yelled Floyd before Lips came downstairs and stopped him from beating the guy up. “What’s going on here!” said the blonde male as he held the red hair male’s hand from hitting the other guy’s face. “Flooyd was inside our house and Animal caught him sneaking through the doc’s room! He refuses to speak on why!” replied Floyd with a growl coming from his voice. “Wait…Where Zoot?” asked Lips as he realized something. “Down in the basement” replied the red-haired male. The blonde male quickly walked over to the basement door and quickly opened the door. He ran down the stairs and stopped when he saw Zoot laying on the floor and Teeth missing. “Zoot! Wake up!” Lips said as he started to shake the small male to make him wake up. The blue male slowly starts to wake up and quickly starts to look around. “What! What happened!” said Zoot in a panic tone. “I don’t know man but we found Flooyd in the doc’s room!” replied Lips with a worried tone in his voice. “No! They took him!” yelled Zoot as he got out of the blonde male’s  arms and quickly ran up the stairs. The small male quickly spotted Flooyd and Floyd. He walked over to the two and the red haired male quickly got out of the way because when Zoot looked ready to beat the living daylights out of someone, you won’t be given mercy. Zoot quickly grabbed the dark red haired male by the neck of his shirt and slammed him into the floor and looked dead into Flooyd’s eyes. “Where the fuck are you taking the doc! You better show us the location or I’m going to tear you limb from limb until you’re a bloody mess!” yelled Zoot as a deep growl came out of the small male’s body. “A-alright, just don’t hurt me man” replied Flooyd as he swallowed his fears.

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