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The world seemed to move in a blur as I struggled to keep up with it. I fought at the edge of consciousness, but every time I felt close to waking up, I was sent ten steps back.

I groaned in frustration, clawing my way forwards. I knew I had to wake up, but my body was fighting me for control.

After what felt like hours fighting with myself, I finally was able to send myself over the edge, sitting up with a gasp and I opened my eyes.

My eyes darted around the room, taking in the sleeping form of Remus next to me, who had a similar blanket to mine draped over his sleeping form. The familiar animals I was used to on these mornings were nowhere in sight.

We'd moved from our original position on the couch to leaning on each other in front of it, our lower limbs entwined. Unlike the previous times we'd found ourselves in this position, my mind didn't jump to embarrassment, and I instead sighed in relief of finding him still there next to me.

My brows furrowed as I surveyed his exposed chest, surprised to find not a single new scratch along the surface of his skin. I help the blanket close to me as I reached out to him, running my finger along his arms and face as I inspected for the sign of blood.

I gasped, putting my hand over my mouth as I fought tears. There wasn't a single scratch that I could see, meaning he didn't get the chance to make any, which meant-.

My rambling thoughts were interrupted when I heard his voice call out in a worried tone. "Belle? Belle what's wrong?" He questioned, sitting up as he took in the tears forming in my eyes.

"Look." I gestured to his body, waiting for him to understand what I was talking about.

"What?" he questioned looking down at his body in confusion. "I'm fine, why are you worried?" He questioned, bringing his gaze to mine once again as I watched his expression change after his last statement.

"I'm fine." He repeated, his eyes wide. He eyes quickly surveyed me as well, his face flushing when he glanced where I held the blanket loosely to my chest. "You're fine."

"We're okay!" I said, finally speaking again as I threw my arms around him, embracing him in a tight hug.

He let out a sigh when I released him, but he didn't draw away. He stared at me so hard I thought I might burst from all the emotion he was sending my way.

"We did it." He whispered, cupping my face with his hands.

"We did." I nodded back, forcing my gaze to meet his even as I became increasingly aware of our current state and closeness.

He didn't say anything back, and he didn't have to. My breath caught in my throat when he began to lean into me once again, his forehead pressed against mine as he closed his eyes. I closed mine as well, feeling the coolness of his body against mine, and the contrast between that and his warm breath on my face.

Suddenly, he tended, pulling away slightly. I opened my eyes, meeting his gaze questioningly as his expression took on one of uncertainty. "We did this together Belle."

I nodded, not really sure what to say, and he continued before I could respond.

"I just," he started again and gulped before continuing, his eyes taking a scan of the room before he continued. "I want you to know how much this means to me, how much you mean to me." He stated, forcing his eyes to meet mine nervously.

"You mean a lot to me too Remus." I responded, my eyes flickering between his eyes and mouth. I felt my face flush when I met his gaze finally, the intensity of his stare sending a shiver down my spine.

Tale As Old As Time (A Remus Lupin Fanfiction)-completed Where stories live. Discover now