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A few weeks passed by since Remus and I made up, and by then it was nearing Christmas break.

"So you guys are still planning to come to my house on the 27th right?" James asked as we all sat down for our last dinner before we departed for break. The whole great hall was decorated with festive decorations and a light snow fell from the ceiling, disappearing just before it hit the tables. It was truly breathtaking.

"That's the plan mate." Sirius responded, eagerly snatching up the various meats and delicacy's laid out in front of us.

"You still up for it Anna?" James asked with a happy smile on his face.

"Yeah I'll be there. Just as long as you two don't cause me an ungodly amount of trouble while I'm there." I said narrowing my eyes at them. Lately, they'd been getting into more mischief than usual, much to the dismay of Lily, who decides to voice her opinion on the matter.

"I can't believe you agreed to stay at Potters house." She said with an exasperated look on her face. "I don't think I'd last a minute in that house with him. I can barely stand this!" She said rolling her eyes and digging into the food on her plate.

"Awe cmon Lily, I'm not so bad to be around am I? You know you like me." James said with a cheeky grin. Lily responded only with a small grunt and another roll of her eyes.

"I'll be fine Lils, the full moon falls during that week so it will be actually really helpful to be surrounded by people who care." I said with a small blush at my words. I truly did mean them. Being around the boys, Remus included, made me feel somewhat better about my situation.

"Yeah plus you'll get to spend extra..quality time with Remus." Lily whispered as she giggled. I sent her a look before blushing even more, avoiding Remus' eyes that were fixed on me throughout the entire conversation.

"Shut up." I said through a smile, glancing up at Remus and giving him a small smile. Maybe it will be nice to spend some extra time with him.

We all stayed extra long at dinner that night, wanting to enjoy our last feast before we left in the morning. Although I was sad to be leaving Hogwarts for the time being, I was excited to experience the adventure that was James Potter's house.


The next morning most of us packed the last of our trunks early morning and headed down to the carriages that would take us to hogsmead.
This time, I was especially excited to spend part of my Christmas at the potters house. Although, my parents we under the impression I was staying at Remus's house due to the full moon arriving during the week I would be away from them. It was for the best they thought that because the last thing I wanted was them finding out about the boy's and their animaigus's.

At last, the carriages pulled into hogsmead and we all hopped out, excited for what awaited us.

"Say Lily how about you share a compartment with us this time." James said, surprisingly not even in a flirtatious way.

"Well I though I'd just sit with Belle and-" she started before Sirius interrupted her, draping and arm over my shoulders.

"Well just your luck! Anna happens to be sitting with us on this fine day. Isn't that right?" He said grinning before turning to me.

Sighing, I turned towards Lily and shrugged apologetically. "I had agreed earlier to sit with them on the train."

She gave me an evil look before rolling her eyes and following the boys into the train. I grinned and gave James a encouraging thumbs up. He blew me a dramatic kiss and proceeded to skip happily after Lily, undoubtedly already pestering her.

I jogged to catch up with Remus until I was walking in pace with him. "This is going to be an interesting ride." I said with a laugh, gesturing to James and Lily, the latter of which seemed to already be annoyed by his behavior.

"Interesting for sure." He responded with a shake of his head before continuing. "Although, it won't be nearly as interesting as James' house with three illegal animaigus and two werewolves." He said with a grin at the ridiculous thought.

"Well we are certainly a fascinating sight to behold arent we." I said looping my arm with his giddily. I glanced at the three boys and Lily in front of us, all seemingly arguing with each-other playfully.

He looked down at me as we walked and gave me a soft smile. "That we are, Belle"

Tale As Old As Time (A Remus Lupin Fanfiction)-completed Where stories live. Discover now