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A few day's later and I still had yet to encounter Remus. He had been holed up in the boy's dorm the entire weekend. 

I walked down the length of the hall, the cold air seeping into my bones. I shivered, but for more reason other than a chill in the air. 

My mind moved quickly, running through a million scenarios in which I would approach Remus again. I walked briskly, intent on at least being able to see him.

How upset would he be? Would he even speak to me anytime soon? I knew at the very least he'd be disappointed in me, and the thought of that hurt the most. My heart clenched at that.

Even though I was unsure of his thoughts towards me at the moment, I knew no matter what he thought I didn't regret my actions on the full moon, though I should apologize regardless. We'd been working on this for months now, and the results themselves showed how far we'd come. Though clearly they also showed how far we had to go.

Various thoughts relating to these bounced around my head as I walked quickly down the corridors, intent on making my way to the Gryffindor tower, where I hoped to find Remus.

Thankfully, I found him, but unfortunately James was there as well, undoubtedly causing trouble of some kind.

"Anna!" James yelled getting off one of the sofa's, tackling me into a hug.

I returned his hug gently before pulling away, offering him a small smile. The smile dipped from my face when my eyes panned over to Remus, however.

His eye held such an intensity in them that it felt like they were boring through my soul. I couldn't make out any of the specific emotions that he held behind his eyes besides that raw burning intensity.

I gave him a tentative look, wondering if he even wanted to talk to me right now. James took one look at us eyeing eachother and took the hint to leave, for once reading a situation and understanding his presence would definitely not help.

"I'll see you guys later." He said, looking hesitantly between us before quickly bounding up the staircase leading up to the boys dormitory.

I quietly walked over to Remus, perching nervously on the opposite edge of the worn maroon couch he was seated on. I forced myself to look at him. To look at his face and his eyes that held that intense emotion I couldn't decipher. Neither of us spoke for a while, we just sat there not really knowing what to say.

At long last I blurted out, "I'm sorry." Cringing at the sudden change in atmosphere once I spoke those two words.

"For what." Was all he said back, his expression unwavering.

"For being irresponsible." I said breathlessly, shifting on the couch so that we were closer than before. The previous distance making us feel like strangers. "For deceiving you."

"For being utterly stupid?" He questioned, he jaw clenching as he rubbed his temples.

I stayed quiet at that, even though it stung a little to hear him call me that. "Do you realize how wrong that could have gone? The consequences that we would've had to face if it went worse that it already did? That I would have to face? That you would?" He said breathlessly, his body rigid as he relayed the thoughts he'd been harboring in his mind the last few days. 

"I don't know." Was all I said, stupidly. "I didn't really think about that."

"No, you didn't think!" He shot back, his frustration seeping into his words.

"I was just...excited that we'd finally had some kind of breakthrough." I replied back

"So was I!" He exclaimed, his eyes wide. "But I certainly wasn't about to risk myself to try anything out before we could further understand what we made."

"But you weren't risking yourself, I was the one who-" I started out before he cut me off, his expression one that held a twinge of desperation in it.

"Exactly. You were the one taking that risk. I never wanted...anything to happen to you." He said, voice quieter than it was moments ago, his eyes boring into mine.

I gulped, not really know what to say, so I just got out another. "I'm sorry."

He shook his head, putting his head in his hands. "Do you understand how worried I was?" He said after a while. "I-I woke up to find James and Sirius and Peter frantically trying to wake you up." He said, voice extremely quiet. "I woke up, tired and hurting, just wanting to go to bed when I find out that you'd been passed out on the floor for the past few hours, not knowing if you'd even wake up.

"I'm sorry." I said out loud again. God why couldn't I figure out what to say besides that. I couldn't focus on anything other than that all-consuming look he was giving me.

"God I know that, Belle." He said, looking me in the eyes again. "But I just..." he trailed off, just staring at me. I didn't move, just returned his gaze, unsure what to do with myself.

"I was just so worried that something I helped create hurt you. I don't think I could live with myself if that happened." He finally said. Maybe it was my imagination, but he felt closer than before. His long legs stretched out in front of him, his knee dangerously close to mine.

I turned my gaze from the ground, returning it to his face. His face that I found myself not being able to look away from.

My heart skipped a beat when he looked at me. My mind was a swirl of emotions when he looked at me with that same look again.

"I promise I won't do it again. Nothing bad is going to happen to me." I got out, my voice not much above a whisper. "I'm sorry Remus, I really am." It looked like my words barely registered in his mind. I barely registered saying them myself.

Because all I could focus on was the boy across from me.

The boy who I shared a very vulnerable problem with. The boy who spent hours a month with me in pain. The boy who spent hours in a dungeon with me coming up with ways to solve an impossible issue.

The boy who smelled like chocolate and whose gaze felt like it was staring into my soul.

My eyes didn't move from his when he brought his hand up to my face, his own scarred hand  brushing one of the many scars that adorned my skin.

My heart beat unsteady and fast in my chest, because he was so impossibly close to me, his thumb brushing my cheek.

My heart beat faltered when he leaned in even closer and I could feel his minty breath caressing my face.

And my heart stopped when he leaned forward and pressed his lips on mine.

Tale As Old As Time (A Remus Lupin Fanfiction)-completed Where stories live. Discover now