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*Time skip*
For the remainder of third and fourth year, things continued without a hitch.They only thing that seemed to increase was the workload, probably because we were being prepared for our the owls we had to take in fifth year.
Every month, Remus and I continued to see each other in the hospital wing, transform in the shrieking shack, and help each other back to school. We understood each other and helped in our times of need. We pretty much kept to our own friends but we were friendly enough. I guess we had to be given the situation the both of us were in.
Unfortunately for us, the day of the full moon was fast approaching. Just a few days into school would mark my monthly pain. I said my usual goodbyes to my parents and headed off to find Lily.
I quickly found her sitting with Severus in a compartment. Don't get me wrong, I think their friendship is great, but he's always given me the creeps. Instead of going in I set out to find a different compartment because I really didn't want to deal with him today. Just my luck, I found Remus sitting alone in a compartment.

"Hey is it alright if I sit here?" I asked him, gesturing to the seat across from him.

"Sure." He smiled brightly. "I'm surprised you're not sitting with Lily. You guys are usual attached at the hip." He said with a laugh.

I grimaced."Yeah well she's with Severus and he really gives me the creeps." I shrugged

"Oooh are you guys talking about Snivellous?" James Potter asked as he, Sirius and Peter barged in.

I shrugged again at the odd, but fitting nickname. It seems I would have to spend the train ride with these hooligans once again.

"I'm not overly fond of him." I replied to James.

His had a disgusted look on his face."Good. How could someone as beautiful as Lily be friends with such a greasy fellow as him." He said angrily.

My raised my eyebrow at his comments of Lily's beauty. Did Mr.Potter here have a little crush?

"Someone as beautiful as Lily?" I asked with a smirk.

James opened his mouth but no words came out. Sirius started laughing at him expression. He kinda looked like a fish.

Instead of pestering him further, I let it go. He could fancy whomever he wished, even if it was my best friend.  I brought out my book to read for the train ride. I was lost in my reading for quite some time before someone nudged me.

"Hey." Remus whisper trying not to attract the attention of the other three. "You ready for the full moon?" He asked with a grimace.

"No more ready than usual." I said with a shrug.

"I have some of my mom's homemade chocolate we can eat after. I know it always helps me feel a bit better." He said with a smile.

I returned the smile with one of my own. "That would be nice."

We shared a look of shared agony. Both of us were already starting to feel the pain that was soon to come.

"Sometimes I wish I could just go a single month with having to transform." I said after a minute of silence. I looked up to make sure his friends weren't listening. Thankfully, they were completely engrossed in their conversation. "I wish I could just remember what it was like not having to worry about when you would start feeling the pain."

He frowned before nodding."I know what you mean. Too bad no one has come up with a cure, or even just a temporary fix." He said with a frown.

I sigh shaking my head in agreement. We sat in silence for a while before I decided to get up and see if Severus was still with lily. I headed in the direction of their compartment only to pass by one containing him and his other Slytherin friends. Rolling my eyes at his choice of companions, I continued onward. When I reached her compartment, I saw that she was now accompanied by Alice and Marlene.

"Hey Lily!" I said happily as I opened the door.

"Belle!" She yelled tackling me in a hug. "I missed you sooooo much." She said still not letting go.

"I missed you too Lily." I said sincerely

"Hey Alice, Marlene. How were your summers?" I asked politely

"Amazing. My family took a trip to Paris. It was...amazing." Marlene said with a dreamy look on her face.

Alive laughed at Marlene's enthusiasm. "Mine was pretty boring not gonna lie." She responded with a shrug.

"Mine as well." Lily said laughing at Marlene.

"Well I hope the school year is exciting at least. Even though we do have Owls." I said with a sigh.

Everyone groaned at the thought of the dreaded tests. "I'm glad we don't have to take them for quite some time though." Lily said

We all nodded in agreement. The rest of the train ride was spent talking about our summers and the upcoming school year. Just before we arrived Lily had to leave, due to her prefect duties. She was excited to be a prefect. We all, minus Lily, gathered our remaining belongings and set out to find a carriage that would bring us to the castle. We had agreed to save a seat for Lily in our carriage.
Soon enough we met up with Lily and seated ourself in a carriage. As we rode up to the castle, our buzz of excitement continued to grow at the thought of yet another year at Hogwarts. They all unloaded at the gates and made there way into the great hall. The beginning of the year feast never ceased to amazed me. They took they're seats and waited for everyone to arrive. Lily's mood was drastically dampened when Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter sat down across from us, but I couldn't care less. Even if Lily despised them, mostly for bullying Severus, I couldn't judge them too much. Snake really was a slimy git sometimes.
Silence was fell over the Great hall as the doors opened and McGonagall led the first years to the front near the sorting hat. Lily and I shared a look as we remembered how scared we must have looked our first year. Before we could do anything the old hat cleared it's uh threat. It began to sing the beginning of the year song, which I always looked forward to.

I may be old and grimy
But there is more to see
Than the brown on your head
That puts you were you'll be

Forever in your house
For seven years you'll wait
With your friends and family
Alike in mind and trait

Lion dens is filled with glory and fight
To be the best, put to the test
Gryffindors are sure to say
That theirs is the house that's best

The hole beneath the stone
Where You'll fit in quite well
If you're full of cunningness
Then Slytherin is swell

Do you have the brains
To fit in with this crowd
Know you way through riddles galore
And you'll make Ravenclaw proud

The last one yet is best to tell
The friendliness of all
Never betray another's trust
Then in Hufflepuff you fall.

So those are the four in which
You'll spend your time together
For Hogwarts is divided such
That everyone is together forever.

Everyone burst into applause at the performance and turned their attention to the seemingly even more frightened first years. I could already tell this year was going to be amazing.

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