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Two week passed without much happening. In that time I settled into an exhausting routine that required practically all of my energy. Homework had picked up considerably, so instead of working on the potion with Remus like I really wanted to, we completed piles upon piles of homework together. I'd spent so long in the library the last week I thought maybe a change of scenery would do me some good.

And that's how I found myself currently at the edge of the black lake with Lily, laying down on the yellowing grass. I truly went here to finish up a particularly long charms essay that was due on Monday, but I couldn't bring myself to do it at the moment. Maybe it was my dire need get some sleep. Maybe it was something else.

Lily and I sat in the silence for a while but something unexplained hung in the air.

"Is everything alright Belle?" Lily asked suddenly placing the book she was reading down. "You've seemed a little off the last two weeks"

I thought about it for a bit before responding. "Yes? No?" I sighed. "I don't know. I think all this work is getting to me. I'm not used to such a workload"

"I get it. The teachers really need to lighten up on us." Lily said looking out over the lake.

"I know OWLS are important, but really they're months away. I just need a break" I said closing my eyes and rolling onto my stomach. Lily laughed at me and laid down as well, propping herself on her elbows.

"So.." She started out with a smile changing the subject."How are the marauders doing"

I rolled over so I could see her and raised my an eyebrow. "Since when has Lily Evans cared about the marauders?"

"I mean they're your friends aren't they...I might as well be minorly polite to them if they're going to stay as such. Besides James hasn't been acting like a git all that much lately. Maybe they've finally chosen to mature" She said looking away from me.

"Oh?" I said smirking at her. "So you're noticing James now are you?"

"Oh stop it. He's still a royal git that one. Besides, you're one to talk." She said rolling her eyes. "With you and Remus spending every minute of everyday together."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, sitting up and crossing my arms to narrow my eyes at her. "We're friends and allowed to enjoy spending time together".

"Well you two have been spending an..unnatural amount of time together as of late" She said with an annoying grin on her face.

"Yeah and unnatural amount of time together doing homework." I said with an annoyed huff. We were falling behind with our Moonarc plan because of said homework.

"Why, annoyed because you would rather be doing something else with him?" She said with a mischievous look on her face.

"Huh?" I said stupidly before understanding what she was insinuating. "No no no that's not what I meant you idiot" I said shoving her a little.

"Whatever you sayyyy" She said lightly shoving me back.

I crossed my arms again and huffed in annoyance. "i don't get why you say that. Nothing is going on between us anyways."

"But you want there to be?.." She asked in a little more serious tone.

"What?" I said looking at her.

"I don't know you guys seem..close..maybe enough for there to be something more.." She said trailing off with a shrug.

"What" I said again stupidly.

"Oh come on Belle you've really never thought about it?" She said seriously.

"I mean I haven't, really." I said seriously.
"I can't deny he's cute but-"

"Who's cute, me? I know". A voice cut me off and I whipped my head up at the source of the voice. Sirius, James, and Remus were making there was down the hill to Lily and I.

"Um sure?" I said a little embarrassed when I saw Remus. No way he needed to know I thought he was cute.

"Well actually, Belle was saying that she thought-" Lily started before I slapped my hand over he mouth.

"Actually nothing!" I said narrowing my eyes at her. I took my hand off her when I thought it was safe. She gave me a cheeky grin.

"Anyways, what are you guys doing down here?" James asked glancing at Lily the whole time.

"Trying to relax" Lily said narrowing her eyes at James now who she seemed to just notice.
"Clearly we can't do that anymore since you're here" she said rolling her eyes.

"Hey I can be relaxing!" He retorted back before they started bickering back and forth. Sirius has wandered to the waters edge and was peering into the water with an odd look on his face.

"What do you reckon he's so fixed on?" Remus said sitting down next to me.

I looked at Sirius quizzically before replying "Who knows with him. I find I often don't understand what goes on in his mind, or James' for that matter"

"I hardly do either" He said giving me a small smile. He actually had a really nice smile.

"How've you been?" He asked looking me in the eye. It took me a second to reply.

"Good. I think?" I said with a sigh. "Or maybe not I don't know"

"What's wrong?" He said scooting closer to me.

"Nothing is wrong per se I'm just having a hard time juggling everything in my life" I said with a shrug.

"I get it. Honestly I do" he said grabbing my hand. I looked down at our intertwined hands.

"Of course you do. We share quite a few of the same problems" I said cracking a sad smile at our unfortunate situations.

"Sadly we do" he said giving my hand a squeeze. "But I'm just glad I have someone who understands"

"Me too Remus" I said softly before letting go of his hand and lying down

"Me too."

Tale As Old As Time (A Remus Lupin Fanfiction)-completed Where stories live. Discover now