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It was sometime later in the week long after dinner as I gloomily carried my herbology plant back from the library. The leaves had begun to look less vibrant. I was set on perfecting this assignment so I could actually carry out my research and see if it could have any connection to werewolves, but was too wrapped up in the excitement of the week and missed the last vital watering. On top of that, tomorrow happened to fall on the full moon.

I had almost made it back to the common room when I heard multiple sets of footsteps behind me. I hurried my pace as it was almost curfew and didn't want to get into any trouble. I was careful not to drop the plant as a I hurried along. The footsteps increased pace and someone shouted my name.

"Oi Anna" I heard James' voice call out
I sighed and slowed my pace and turned around to come face to face with all four Mauraders. I wasn't in the mood to deal with their antics right now. It was their craziness that clouded my mind for the past week and made me forget to water the Moonarc. Ok it really wasn't their fault but I was annoyed and tired.

"Yes? Also it's Belle" I said with an angry frown

"Damn what's got you all in a twist Anna" Sirius said in an annoyingly cheerful voice

"Nothing. I am completely fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I must be heading back to the dorm. I recommend you all head back too. It's almost curfew and even though Remus is your friend, he is still a prefect who can write you up." I said with a huff and turned around.

"Awee come on you know Remus would never write us up Anna" Sirius said throwing an arm around her, almost knocking the delicate plant out of her arms.

"Be careful" I said shoving him off of me.

"I literally gave you a detention last week" Remus said with an eye roll

"That's only because you were mad at me for teasing you about An-" Sirius began before Remus interrupted

"Would you like another one?" Remus said with a look of embarrassment and annoyance

"Cmon Remmy you know we're always up for an extra detention here and there" James piped in."Say Anna what's that plant thingy you're holding" He asked coming up to inspect it. He Lifted up one of the leaves with his index finger, causing the leaf to break off and fall gracefully to the floor.

"Why would you do that!" I shouted at him before rushing to pick up the fallen leaf. "We got from Herbology a month ago! We're supposed to be taking care of it but obviously care is not your strong suit because you're wrecking mine!" I said hurrying to get away from them.

"And it's Belle" I said with one last huff before reaching the portrait hole and entering.


The next day at breakfast a myriad of silver leafed plants could be seen littered around the great hall. Today was the day we finalized our projects and concluded our lessons on the properties of Moonarc. I was still peeved about my plant situation, but felt better when I noticed James and Sirius sit down across from me with two pots containing shriveled, black stems.

"Hey it's no wonder I didn't know what your plant thingy was. Ours look completely different! Weird!" James said looking between mine and his.

"That's because they are different. Mines alive and yours is no more than a dried up plant carcass" I said rolling my eyes

"Eh I still have it don't I" he said with a shrug before beginning to pile an assortment of food onto his plate. Remus hurried to the table and sat next to me. Despite his efforts, only a few of his leaves remained, probably due to his insufficient watering.

"Nice plant" I said smirking at him. "Aren't you supposed to be good at herbology"

"Despite what most people think I am not a complete genius at all my subjects" he said with a shrug.

I smiled at him."Whatever you say" I said shrugging as well. "Well it was nice talking with you all but I'm going to head to Herbology early" I said getting up and grabbing my plant.

"I'll come with you!" Remus said quickly and moved to get up.

"Don't, you need to eat and you only just got here" I said eyeing his empty plate.

"I'm not that hungry anyways" He said and grabbed a croissant before grabbing his plant. "Shall we?" He said and began to walk out of the great hall. I followed him out and we walked in a comfortable silence until we neared the green house.

"Sorry about the whole plant situation" He said with an uneasy look eyeing the broken leaf I had placed in the center of the pot.

"No worries. I shouldn't have gotten so mad. It wasn't even that bad. I'm just super stressed with the full moon tonight and I just feel like we've made no progress on our research and I just-" I rambled on until Remus interrupted me.

"Hey it's going to be alright" he said calmly and stopped to rest his free hand on my shoulder. "Now that the plants are almost matured we might actually be able to make some progress this week" He said with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah maybe" I said shifting my gaze to the plant's silver leaves. Maybe we would figure out something. "But right now we should probably get to herbology, we don't want to be late" I said and resumed walking.

"Hopefully tonight won't be too bad. I really could use an easy night tonight" Remus said gazing at the sky with a frown.

"Me too Remus" I said gazing at him with the same sad look on my face.

"But it's never going to be easy"

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