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Somewhere mid afternoon I started to feel horrible and had to stop doing homework. I laid in bed for the rest of the day reading and catching up on sleep as I knew I would be getting none tonight. At around 11 I finally got out of bed and headed down to the common room where I now usually met with the boys before heading out. When I walked into the common room I noticed Remus was sprawled on on of the couches with James on the other, peter sitting in a chair and Sirius was lying on the floor.

"Hey guys" I said I unenthusiastically. They all, minus Remus only who gave me a small smile, replied with a chorus of hellos. "Ready to go?" I said solemnly. I really was not looking forward to this. I just wanted to go back to bed.

"Yeah let's head out" Sirius said getting up off the floor and walking over the the portrait hole. We glumly followed him out. The others walked ahead while Remus and I trailed behind.
"How are you holding up?" I whispered to him.

"I'm alright I guess. Today has been pretty rough already" he said glumly before giving me a small smile. "But those cookies did cheer me up a bit earlier"

"I'm glad." I said returning his smile.

We walked in silence basically until we reached the shrieking shack. The other three left us alone in the main room to give us some privacy when we changed. I figured we still had about ten minutes before that would happen. With a sigh I sat on the floor against the wall with my forehead on my knees. Remus joined me a second later and I felt him grab ahold of my hand.

"This is our last full moon before Christmas break" he interrupted the silence. I thought about it for a second before realizing he was right.

"It going to be hard without the boys now. I've gotten so used to them being here when we transform." I said turned to look at his, quickly glancing down at our entwines hands.

"Well The next full moon falls somewhere close to Christmas so the boys were thinking of sneaking over and spending it with me. I-I was wondering if you, well if you wanted to spend it with us. I figured it would just be nice to keep the usual routine even away from Hogwarts." He rambled on.

I just stared at him shocked before tackling him in a hug. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

He blushed before returning the hug. "Of course. Anything to make this easier."

I released the hug when I started to feel a sharp pain at the bottom of my spine. Remus straightened out as if he felt it too. And so it began.


The first thing I felt was a film of water across my body before I realized how cold I was. My eyes burst open to see only a white landscape surrounding me, littered with 4 distinct animal tracks. How the hell did I get I outside? I groggily turned over to my other side, first noticing Remus curled up in a ball some meters away. Then I noticed the pink and red tinge of the snow around him. With all of my energy I tried to force myself up, but only resulted in falling about 3 meters from Remus. Before I could call out to him I heard voices shouting from over a hill.

"Remus? Anna? Finally! We've been looking for you for hours." James said before the three boys rushed over to us. The averted their eyes when they saw my naked state and Sirius threw me a bundle of clothes.

"Sorry it's all I grabbed from the shack. I couldn't find your clothes. " He said when I noticed they were clearly Remus' sweatpants and jumper he had set aside in the shrieking shack last night. I changed as quick as I could.

"Alright." I started as they opened their eyes. I made my way over to Remus, covering him in a blanket that James provided. "What the hell happened last night? And why did Remus and I wake up outside?"

"I-I don't really know what happened. It was all so confusing, we lost you too within minutes." James said shaking his head. "Remus just went berserk and broke out almost as soon as he transformed, obviously you followed him and the two of you ran off so fast."

"Jesus. I hope we didn't hurt anyone or anything." I said and a small groan emitted from Remus moments later.

He held a look of confusion for a few seconds as he took in his white surroundings. He seemed to notice the blanket draped on him as he pulled it closer to him before sitting up and noticing us. His eyes lingered on me for a few more seconds before speaking. "So anyone want to fill me in?"

"Mate you went kinda crazy and broke out. We lost you and not even James could keep up. I honestly couldn't tell you what happened. None of us can. And obviously Anna doesn't remember." Sirius said shrugging, offering him a hand to help him stand up.

"I reckon I should go to the hospital wing." He said eyeing the blood on the ground and wincing. "Although, some clothes would be nice first since mine seem to have been stolen." He said giving me small smile.

I smiled back before replying. "I'd offer you mine except they're still in the shack. I doubt they'd fit you anyways. If you guys wanna go back to the dorms to grab clothes I can meet you in the hospital wing?" I questioned.

"Yeah that sounds good." Remus said starting to walk towards the castle.

We slowly trudged through the snow and towards the castle. By the time we reached the  doors my feet were red and I couldn't feel them. Figured, just add frostbite to the list of things I had to deal with. As soon as we were through the door we parted ways, not before asking them to please bring me back a pair of shoes and socks. No way was I walking around the cold stone castle after trudging through the snow. I was cold enough already. I knocked on the infirmary door before entering.

"Hello?" I called out, noticing the nurse bustling around in one of the potions cabinet.

"Ah Annabelle. Not too worse for wear today are you?" She said eyeing the few cuts and scrapes across my the visible sections of my skin.

"I'm alright I think, I'm mostly worried about Remus. It looks like he lost a lot of blood." I said nervously watching her face turn to one of horror.

"Well good heavens where is the boy then?" She exclaimed, going to prepare one of the cots for him.

"He went to go grab clothes first. I uh had to borrow his because I accidentally ripped mine up." I lied, not wanting to bring the boys into it.

"He should have come straight here. Poor boy." She shook her head, placing various potions on the table next to the cot. "Sorry dear, I all worrying about Remus and he's not even here yet! Is there anything I can do for you?" She said turning to me.

"Well I think something's wrong with my feet. I couldn't find my shoes and had to walk through the snow. I can't exactly feel them?" I said hesitantly sitting down on the nearest cot.

"Oh dear." She said inspecting them. "Just a little frost nip. I'll get you something right away." She said quickly walking over to one of the cabinets again and bringing back a bright red potion.
"Just a few drops will do." She said pulling out a dropper and letting 3 drops fall onto each of my foot.

The disappeared with a hiss before a burning sensation spread through my feet. "Ow!" I exclaimed scowling at the pain. Fortunately, I could definitely feel my feet now. Unfortunately, they felt like they were on fire. The pain subsided after a few more seconds. Suddenly the doors flew open and the four boys came rushing in.

"Remus finally!" She exclaimed rushing over to him, leading him over to the connect to me. She began to inspect his wounds before putting various pastes on his cuts and making him drink multiple potions. "That should fix you right up alright? I just need you to stay here for a couple hours and rest alright. Annabelle you could do with some rest too."

She said before turning to the others boys with her hands on her hips. "You know what that means, boys. Out!" She said shooing them out as they protested.

I turned to Remus with a sigh, meaning to say something but I noticed he was already asleep. Seeing him fast asleep make me realize how tired I also was. With that, my eye closed and I fell into a peaceful, much needed sleep.

Tale As Old As Time (A Remus Lupin Fanfiction)-completed Where stories live. Discover now