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After the encounter in the dungeon, I opted to avoid the Marauders as best I could for a few days. I still didn't know what was happening between Remus and I because we hadn't talked about it yet, which meant I had nothing to say to Sirius and James' interrogations.

I mean, Remus hadn't brought it up either, so really we both were earning our gold stars in communication.

I was currently sat with Lily outside on the grass. It was one of those days where you just wanted to relax in the sun and not think about any of your worries.

"So I've been meaning to ask you something." Lily stated into the silent air, a cool breeze blowing her auburn hair around her face as she turned to look at me.

"What's on your mind?" I questioned, turning my gaze to hers.

"I noticed you've been absent in the lives of a certain four boys lately..." She said, raising her eyebrows at me, "Any specific reasoning?".

I sighed, knowing she was going to question me sooner or later. At this point, Sirius and James both had an inclination something was going on between Remus and I due to their rude entrance last week, so what was the harm in another person knowing?

The problem was I wasn't sure how to describe the situation to her, because the whole thing was still a huge source of confusion for me.

"Fine. You caught me." I started, heaving myself into a sitting position against the tree that we were using for shade from the afternoon sun.

"Caught you?" Lily replied, sitting up herself and crossing her legs.

"Yeah.." I started, taking a deep sigh before continuing, "Things have been...happening lately that have made it hard for me to be around them."

"What did they do now?" Lily questioned with a shake of her head.

"Well more like what did Remus do?" I mumbled under my breath, closing my eyes for a brief second as I remembered the feeling of his lips ghosting over mine.

"Oh?" She questioned, her brows raising as I felt my face heat up at my previous thoughts. "And what did Mr. Lupin do to get you do avoid him so vehemently?"

I shook my head, knowing she was probably about to freak out at my words. "Well, remember when I ended up in the hospital wing?"

"Yeah that was like three weeks ago tho?" She sent me a questioning looks, allowing me to continue my explanation.

"Well, when we finally spoke again, he was pretty mad at me for taking the potion." I started.

"Yeah, because it was stupid of you." She said nonchalantly, giving me a look.

I just gave her a deadpan stare before continuing. "Anyways, when we were talking, things got pretty heated and..well he.." I slowed my words giving her a look, trying to convey what I had to say without stating it outright.

"No. Way." She gaped at me.

"Yes way." I replied, a small smirk on my face at her dumbfounded expressio.

She squealed, jumping to wrap her arms around me. "Oh my gosh I can't belive it. This is only what I've been waiting for all year!"

"All year?" I gaped at her, giving a shake of my head.

"Of course. All of us could have seen it from a mile away." She gave me a sly smile before continuing. "Sooo, I'm assuming there's more to the story because you two are clearly not as buddy-buddy as you should be considering you're diligently avoiding him."

I shrugged before replying. "Yeah. Things were kind of left unsaid after he kissed me in the dungeons the other day and I-"

"What! So this kiss wasn't a one time thing then?" She smirked at me, crossing her arms. "You sly dog you."

Tale As Old As Time (A Remus Lupin Fanfiction)-completed Where stories live. Discover now