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I walked down the steps of the girls dormitory into the common room. It was around 10:55 so I thought I'd head down a little early before I was to meet Remus. I was surprised to see all the Mauraders sitting on the couch talking with each other. James was the first to see me.

"Oh hey Anna what're you doing down here" James asked.

"Well uh" I started glancing at Remus.

"We're going on a walk" Remus said standing up abruptly. He started towards the portrait hole and motioned for me to follow.

"Ohh! I love walks" Sirius said starting to get up.

"Alone" Remus said frowning before grabbing my hand, pulling both of us out of the common room and shutting the door.

I laughed at his expression and he gave me a look. "What?"

"C'mon you don't want Sirius to tag along? I'm sure he'd provide us with enough entertainment to last a lifetime" I said jokingly.

"Not really the entertainment I'm looking for tonight" He said giving me an odd look.

"Alright alright" I said shrugging.

"Where do you want to go?"

"I was thinking we could venture somewhere near the Black lake. I brought the map so we don't have to worry about getting caught" he said starting to walk and opening it.

The boys had told me about it a while back. It was truly fascinating that they were able to create such a thing.

"I figured you'd bring it so we didn't get caught" I said peering over his shoulder at it. As I looked down on it I was well aware of our proximity.

"Y-yeah just thinking ahead" he said turning to look at me before shaking his head and looking back down at the map. "It looks like we're clear to go down this corridor without running into any prefects or Filch" he said taking a right.

"Sometimes I have to remind myself that you yourself are also a prefect" I said giving him a grin. "Just one who breaks the rules enough to warrant a midnight walk"

"Hey it's only 11 something. Besides, I can't be a perfect prefect all of the time." He said smiling back at me.

"Well I'm glad you took a night off from being perfect." I said as we came upon the doors that would take us outside. We walked through them and into the night. A light breeze rolled past us, blowing my hair across my face lightly.

A small shove ran through my body, but I was glad to have put on a thick jumper before I left the dormitories. We walked in silence almost until we reached the black lake.

"It always looks so pretty at night" Remus said as he folded  the map and put it in his pocket, staring out across the surface of the lake.

"It almost looks unreal" I replied with a sigh taking a seat at the waters edge. He nodded in response before sighing.

"I can't believe tomorrow we'll be out here again, but under such different circumstances." He said glumly looking up into the sky and the nearly full moon.

"I know. Every month I just...forget what it feels like until it's happening" I said sharing his glum mood. It was silent for a moment and I let my thoughts wander.

"What we're working on" I stated " I just really want something to come out of it. At this point I'd be happy for anything"

"I know what you mean" He replied scooting closer to me. "It's easy to have hope in something if it can fix your entire world. I truly believe something will come of it. I was skeptical in the beginning but I really want to try and figure this out with you" He said grabbing my hand with his.

"Thank you Remus" I whispered, looking at our entwined hands with a sigh. "It really means a lot to have someone who understands the whole this"

"I'll always be here for you if you need me" He smiled sincerely. "We'll do this together".

A moment of silence passed before I sighed and began to stand up. "We best get going soon. I'm certain it's well past midnight by now, and I'd like to get at least some sleep tonight since we definitely won't be sleeping tomorrow night"

He nodded before following my actions and standing up. "I'll make sure we steer clear of any prefects." He said taking out the map once more. We walked back in a calm, but slightly uncomfortable silence. When we got back the common room was, as expected, empty at this time of night.

I turned to Remus as I headed towards the girls staircase. "Thanks for tonight Remus. I really did need to clear my head."

"Of course. Anytime just let me know and I'll  be down for a walk or something" He have me a small smile. "See you tomorrow night" He replied with a painful grin.

I replied back with the same expression before turning and heading up to the girls dormitory. "Always. Goodnight Remus".

I trudged slowly up the stairs, not really wanting to face going to sleep at this moment. It felt like I had so much on my plate recently in terms of things currently happening in my life. I sighed a I tried to quietly open the door, hoping to not wake anyone up. Unfortunately, a small light in the corner of the room indicated someone else was awake. I noticed Lily furiously scribbling on a piece of parchment.

"Alright Lily?" I asked cautiously. She could get very into her work.

"Just doing some late night review." She responded in a daze before actually realizing I want there and looking up at me and smirking. " and where have you been? On a late night rendezvous with Remus I presume."

"Maybe" I responded rolling my eyes and sitting down on my bed.

"Oooh I can see what's happening here" She said pointing her quill at me accusingly.

"Nothing is happening" I said laying on my back with my hands folded on my chest.

"Yes there isssss" Lily said, and before I knew it I heard feet padding across the floor and Lily slammed down on top of me.

"Lily! What the hell-" I said trying to shove her off of me.

"You're gonna fall in lovveee" she said rolling over to lie next to me.

"Shut up!" I said looking away from her and blushing. "You're gonna wake everyone else up."

"Marlene's dead asleep don't worry" she said eyeing the bed next to mine.

"Like we both should be. Stop harassing me and go to bed. Haven't you studied enough to last a lifetime?" I said attempting to push her off the bed.

"Fineee" she responded going to turn off the light.

"Goodnight Lily" I said getting under the covers.

"Goodnight Belle" she responded.

Tale As Old As Time (A Remus Lupin Fanfiction)-completed Where stories live. Discover now