2 - wishful thinking

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They had been driving out of the city for a little while, already an abandoned location in mind. Their car had passed a dozen similar ones, all driving wherever they had to be on a Saturday morning.

Gaz noticed as Elena slightly moved the sleeping man's head off her shoulder with a cold expression.

''Hey- how much longer?'' Gaz asked, tapping Price's seat in front of him.

''Not much longer,'' Price explained, turning only slightly so Gaz could see a glimpse of his mustache.

And after ten minutes or so, Gaz wished the enemy would have been sliding more onto his shoulder instead of Elena's arrived at the destination. Having taken a few turns, they finally reached their secluded warehouse.

''Gaz, get him out,'' Price ordered.

''Copy that, sir,'' Gaz replied, opening the door and ducking back in to drag the man away from Elena.

Laswell and Price opened the warehouse door, taking a few glances around, and Gaz dragged the man inside. Just as Gaz had placed the man down on the ground for that moment, Elena swiftly passed him by to the corner of the room where a few old pieces of equipment and furniture stood, which included a rusty chair. Gaz watched as she picked it up with one hand and placed it in the middle of the room.

''Rope him too,'' Laswell instructed and Elena was back to the pile of abandoned garbage.

Gaz's head was turned to Elena, his body still facing the front of the door, but, as he saw Elena's face and hands rummaging through the pile, he stood up and walked over to her side.

''Nothing?'' he asked.

''We'll find something,'' Elena replied and continued walking around the pile, taking a few pieces of equipment off of each other, revealing all sorts of items down there. But none of them resembled a rope or any kind of tool used for tying someone tightly up.

''Oh!'' Gaz exclaimed and Elena's head promptly turned to him. He presented the duct tape in his hand and gave her a small smile. ''What 'bout this?''

''That'll work,'' she replied and started walking back to the body.

Gaz and Elena ducked down by the man, Gaz was ready to hand Elena the tape and grab the man himself, but Elena was quick enough to lift the man's body and place him in the chair. His head moved to the side and his body almost fell, but Gaz jumped up, catching his side from falling.

When the two soldiers were done with taping the man to the metal chair, they stepped back.

''Nicely done,'' Price motioned to the unconscious man and nodded. ''Right, now... Keep yourselves busy outside that door and watch guard.''

Gaz nodded immediately, following the instruction. As his head turned to see if Laswell would instruct Elena to do the same, he saw Laswell exchange a slow blink toward Elena. The soldier, then, turned around and started walking toward Gaz. He wondered whether this was something they did instead of verbal commands. Not a bad idea at all.

When they had walked outside, Gaz turned to close the door, but keep the lock, logically, open. Then, rubbing his head a few times, looked around the scenery. Suddenly, he wished he had brought his sunglasses with him, as the morning sun was particularly bright that day.

''You used to standing and watching guard in these scenes?'' Gaz asked and turned his head to Elena. She was standing by the other side of the door. ''Interrogations...''

''Mostly. I've been inside as well. It's never been my favorite part of these things,'' she replied. ''Laswell, other people are usually better at them anyway. I suppose I don't seem that intimidating... or scary to people.''

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