36 - farewell, elena

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Released from the kiss on his left cheek, Gaz felt himself stare far too long at Elena, who seemed to be doing the same to him. However, he wasn't sure what to read her expression as. Practically entranced by her gaze, Gaz broke free and cleared his throat, slightly wiggling his eyebrows to ease himself.

''Of course,'' he replied, confirming Elena's question, wishing he could tell her more. Gaz would do that, so much more, and anything for her. Anything to make her smile as much as she was at that moment.

''Well, let's see you play then, shall we?'' Price said, clearing his throat and instantly shooting his eyebrows up at Gaz, giving the man a knowing look as soon as Elena turned around to face their Captain.

''Oh-'' she exclaimed and briefly shrugged. ''I haven't played in a few years... I don't think you want to hear me right now. It's like I've been practicing every day...''

''C'mon, lass!'' Soap encouraged, talking in a pleading manner.

While bopping her head around, Elena paced around until she found herself by the couch again where the guitar lay waiting for her. In the meantime, it was the Scotsman's turn to tease Gaz. However, unlike the Captain, Soap opted to give him a nudge in the side.

''You did all 'at?'' Soap asked in a shocked yet proud tone.

With a roll of his eyes, Gaz walked over to Elena, but, seeing that she had already taken a spot on the couch, sat on the floor in front of her. At least, Gaz was sure that the Lieutenant wouldn't make any obscene jokes or cause a mocking scene. He wouldn't even comment on it in private. In fact, Ghost had been the only one not to tease Gaz about the current romantic situation and he was unbearably thankful to him for that.

''You going to tune it?'' Price asked.

''How'd you know about that, sir?'' Elena questioned, looking up at him, as Price leaned against the wall near the television.

''I looked up some stuff about guitars and such. Needed to know what we'd be getting into,'' he chuckled and Elena smiled.

''So you did research before committing to having a guitar player near where you sleep?'' Elena asked, briefly biting her lip, and visibly thinking.

''Had to...''

As Gaz watched Elena, with the help of a musical app on her phone, tune her guitar and quickly stretch her fingers, he couldn't help but admire her. Sure, Elena was always a pleasure to look at. He would be lying if he said that he hadn't found her attractive since the moment he laid eyes on her. However, Gaz, with every day, found himself wanting to know every aspect, every little detail about her. And Elena began pulling the strings of a familiar song, as she named it One by Metallica, apologizing beforehand for her so-called 'rusty fingers' and 'shitty interpretation'.

Gaz couldn't help but smile, as he found himself watching and listening to Elena. It was everything. As far from 'shitty' as could be described. Although her fingers messed up a couple of times, Gaz was far from educated in music and only focused on Elena's flustered expressions and quiet apologies. Who knew she could be such a flustered mess?

Gaz also knew this song meant something to Elena. Her father had taught her how to play it. Fitting. One is also a song perfect for soldiers. Perfect for people like Elena who have suffered in the military for so long, feeling like they can never escape the madness they endured. Each day, for them, is a constant reminder of everything wrong with the world, with them, and with what they've done with it. Ending one's suffering is the only way. So they beg for their life to end.

As Elena's performance came to an end, Gaz found himself wondering - had Elena ever been in a situation like that?

The claps of the men around him woke Gaz up, as he cheered on her, watching as she stood up and quickly bowed, her eyes shot down and a smile plastered on her face.

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