Elena Morgan has been chewed up and spat around her whole life. Every moment in her life has led her to the newest threat in the world. But, for once, she does not feel alone in the world of the dead.
''Everyone in position? Everyone can hear me?'' Elena asked, lightly touching her right ear and checking the earpiece with her middle finger.
''Right here, agent,'' Soap chuckled.
''Don't call her agent, Soap,'' Gaz commented. ''She's one of us now.''
''Bet it feels good to be back in your old shoes though,'' Ghost added, and Elena nodded, knowing he was watching her from a nearby building.
Hearing everyone's responses, Elena smiled to herself and continued walking down Amsterdam's streets.
''Okay, Ibanez-'' Kate began warmly. ''Locate the target and get close, as instructed. Bravo-6 is nearby.''
''Yes, I am,'' Price's gruff voice confirmed.
Having passed several high-reaching and glass-clear buildings, Elena reached the destination. The hotel, of course, was more than impressive. A man like August Moon wouldn't step inside anything that didn't have five golden stars plastered under its title.
And then Elena saw the man himself, as he left through the doors which were, naturally, opened for him. Elena half-expected him to want to get inside a limousine, but, as planned, he did not. Kate had told Elena the few things they knew about the man. He was a romantic womanizer, who enjoyed walking. However, what Elena found surprising was that a man like him was not accompanied by security of any sort. But she didn't really want to question it. She knew the exact route he would take - the longest one. That would give them approximately eight minutes together on the street.
Pretending to place her phone back in her purse, Elena began walking, hearing August's footsteps behind her. And knowing exactly the type of man he was, Elena's hand let her car keys drop out of her purse and kept walking.
Soon, Elena's face was plastered with a smile, as she heard the man behind her stop in his tracks and reach on the ground to pick them up.
''Pardon!'' the man's soft voice called out and, at first, Elena did not react and knowingly kept walking. However, it took him not longer than three seconds to catch up with her despite the icy pavement beneath them.
She stopped.
Elena's eyes widened and her hand raised against her lips, as she pretended to greet him with a shocked expression.
''Thank you, oh-'' she gasped and, bowing with her head, accepted the keys from him.
Elena was instantly entranced by the man's piercing blue eyes. She could understand why people went crazy for him. His voice alone had been a charmer.
''You're American?'' he questioned with an excited voice.
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Elena flashed him a smile.
''Yes. If my mind isn't playing tricks... so are you,'' she responded and the man nodded.