4 - the proper way of making tea

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''I was trying to keep quiet,'' Kate's voice greeted Elena as she opened her eyes and turned to the side to look at her chief in command. Kate was working on her laptop, seemingly, already having been up for hours.

''Why aren't you sleeping?'' Elena asked, sitting up and taking a sip of cold water by her bedside. Kate always did that for her whenever they went on missions together.

''Too much work to do... too many things to plan,'' Kate replied.

Elena sighed and ran her fingers through her hair, thinking that she could really use a shower. How long had she slept for that her head even felt sweaty?

''I'm glad you got good rest though,'' Kate turned to Elena, who was sleepily looking at her, and smiled. ''I got you some breakfast too. Couldn't bring a cup of tea upstairs though...''

''Thank you,'' Elena said, moving her eyes to her nightstand and then back to Kate. ''I hope you had something to eat too.''

''John forced me to,'' Kate giggled.

Elena smiled to herself and moved her feet toward the floor, still sitting on the bed. Her fingers grazed over the white bedsheet that her long sleeping had ruined while shifting in her sleep. She wasn't a motionless sleeper. At least not when she actually got sleep.

''I wish you had slept some,'' she expressed, walking over to Kate.

''I got a few hours,'' Kate chuckled and looked up at her. ''I'll get a nap on a plane or something.''

Elena pursed her lips but nodded, knowing that there was nothing she could do about the way things were. Kate Laswell was a busy woman often drowning in work and Elena tried her best to help her in any way she could.

''Oh... a vegan wrap?'' Elena's eyes widened happily, observing the tortilla wrap in her hands.

''I would have taken a vegetarian one,'' Kate looked at her but turned back to the laptop. ''I know you wanted your cheese, so-''

''It's perfect,'' Elena smiled, finding the few pieces of brie on her plate.

Elena didn't waste any time and began eating the breakfast in front of her, balancing the tray on her legs as she sat on the bed and watched Kate work in silence.

''Over the night, Alejandro tried to spot Hassan... he was taken into protection in Las Almas,'' Kate spoke and Elena's attention was solely on her. ''He's being moved toward the U.S.... the cartel could contain the missiles too. We're not sure though.''

''Any news about the target? Anything of that sort?''

''I wish,'' Kate huffed some air out of her lungs. ''But... Shepherd is organizing Alejandro's team with some of Price's men... and another team called the Shadow company.''

''Jesus... this is-'' Elena blinked a few times.

''I know,'' Kate's lips tightened.

A moment of silence fell between the two.

''I'm just glad you're with us, Elena,'' Kate spoke softly.

''I'll go wherever you go,'' Elena replied without any thinking and nodded. ''You know that.''

The cold water rushed a sense of calmness over Elena even though she usually preferred a hot shower. She felt that the sweat in her hair and the grease on her face were no longer there. Stepping out of the shower, placing the soft white towel around herself, she faced a mirror that, unlike usual, wasn't fogged.

''Elena?'' Kate's voice called from behind the door.


''I just...'' she began and Elena paused, holding the blow drying one hand, the other ready to plug it in the socket. ''I just want you to know that you can trust Price and his team...''

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