19 - champagne problems: part 2

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Gaz watched how carefully Sam twisted the key and touched the golden handle. Everyone kept silent and it felt like everything was moving at a snail's pace for a moment. They just needed to move inside and disappear.

No signalization.

A security camera would probably tape them, but by then, they would have gathered all the evidence needed to bring Boissieu and the others down. Everyone in the mansion.

''Steamin' hell...'' Soap quietly said, placing his palm over his mouth.

The Frenchman's room wasn't just a fancy room. It was a massive establishment. Seemed like an apartment on its own. They were met with a large lounge with a balcony right across the entrance.

''Where do we start?'' Alejandro asked, looking at Price.

''It's not going to be easy...'' Price replied and gazed around. ''Let's split up. Soap, Alejandro, you check the lounge. Gaz, Ibanez, go check out over there. Sam, you're with me. Let's check around and see if there's an office or a bedroom.''

As Soap and Alejandro began searching the lounge, looking into wardrobes and such, Price and Sam moved to the left and informed the group that they had found the bedroom. It looked promising. However, Gaz and Elena disappeared to the right.

Even though it was a serious mission, Gaz was thankful he had been paired up with Elena. He swallowed his spit before speaking and looked at her, as they entered. It was a bathroom. A mighty nice one too.

''Not too shabby,'' he commented, chuckling a bit.

''Not surprised though. He must bring at least one girl a week to a place like this. Massive bath... who wouldn't want something like that,'' Elena chuckled, nodding. However, the two were quick to notice another door at the end of the bathroom. ''Hey, look...''

Elena walked toward the white door and instantly gaped, seeing something through the glass windows.

''What is it?'' Gaz asked, walking over next to her. His mouth instantly dropped open. ''Are you kidding me?''

Bigger than the lounge from before and sizing up to be the size of their cafeteria at the base, a large pool stood in the middle of the room. A few lights shone from above, the walls were decorated with expensive paintings in golden frames. The water looked inviting.

Elena scratched her eyebrow, glanced at Gaz, making Gaz begin to feel hot inside, as the two were standing barely inches away from each other, and opened the door. Gaz's eyes followed Elena as she walked inside first, however, the Sergeant was quick to catch up with her.

''Hold on,'' he quietly said, placing a hand on her back.

Shivers. The man was beginning to feel shivers. Especially when he glanced at the back of her neck, the small of her back that was exposed. Gaz wanted to lay kisses right on those spots, placing his lips all over her body.

Elena turned around.

Shit. Gaz hoped his stare wasn't creepy. He removed his hand from her back.

''Let's be careful. A janitor might be here,'' he whispered and Elena nodded.

As they walked further, they discovered the majestic feeling of the pool. The whole room smelled fresh and was practically inviting them to jump in and relax. Gaz ducked down to feel the water. Just the perfect temperature. He could even spot small buttons by the sides of the pool, no doubt designed to change the color or pump bubbles.

They found a changing room with showers in a room connected to the pool. However, the room led nowhere. Gaz knew they needed to return and would soon leave the private company of Elena.

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