23 - outsiders and strays

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''What?'' Elena asked in a whisper, feeling her lip quiver, as she looked at Price.

The Captain responded with a wider, deeper smile, and closed his eyes. Elena pulled back from Kate and looked at her.

''I-is that...'' she began and took a deep breath in. ''That's possible?''

As the woman nodded in front of her, Elena's eyes met with Price again.

''I-I can't believe... You'd want me to join?'' she asked, a smile appearing on her face, as she stepped toward the desk. Running her hand through her hair, she looked at the Captain.

The man cleared his throat and spoke.

''The super secret agents might not want you anymore...'' he said and shrugged. ''But the 141 takes all kinds of... outsiders and strays... but not just for that reason alone.''

Elena's eyebrows raised as she looked at him with full happiness.

''From what I've seen, even after a few weeks... you've got good spirit and one helluva brain,'' Price said and chuckled, crossing his arms. ''And I doubt you'll disappoint as a soldier...''

''And now we'll 'ave someone who can properly handle a chopper,'' Soap added and laughed, giving a quick glance at Ghost before meeting Elena's eyes.

''Wait... you guys knew?'' she asked, now looking from Soap to Ghost, from Ghost to Gaz.

No longer was the Sergeant wearing the same mournful grimace as when he had knocked on her door.

''They gave their blessings and approvals,'' Price chuckled and Elena kept gazing into Gaz's eyes until smiles appeared on both of their faces.

''It took a lot from me not to burst into happiness once I saw you,'' Gaz chuckled and looked down. ''Wanted to tell you as soon as I saw ya.''

Elena smiled and looked down, then turned her head back to Price as he cleared his throat again. God, Elena thought, what was he like in the mornings when brushing his teeth? Did he snore too? Elena cleared those thoughts, as he saw the Captain open his mouth again.

''You know, we've also got that spare room next to Gaz... Guess it's been waiting for you,'' he said and laughed softly.

A million thoughts rushed through Elena's mind as she imagined the future. She would soon find out whether the Captain snored, learn about all their strange habits, share a hundred beers and cups of tea, laugh and cry at their awful jokes, and, undeniably, keep falling for the Sergeant that slept in the room next to her.

Urging the group to celebrate, Price placed his hand on Elena's shoulder.

''As long as you want to... we'll have ya,'' he smiled and nodded.

Turning her head to see Soap, Ghost, and Gaz already slowly leaving through the door, she turned her eyes to Price back with a smile on her face.

''It'll be an honor to be a part of what you have,''

Giving another nod, the Captain, now unofficially already, Elena's captain, recommended relaxing on the couch with a cold beer. He and Kate still had paperwork and calls to deal with.

''Can't it wait a bit?'' Elena asked, reaching for the handle, as she looked at the two.

''The night is young...'' Kate replied and smiled encouragingly. ''I know you wouldn't sleep.''

''But should in your case,'' Price chuckled and crossed his arms. ''Get on with the others now, will ya?''

Her hand already half-turning the knob on the door, Elena stepped back and rushed toward Price. Feeling her eyebrows quiver as they furrowed in happiness, she smiled and reached to hug the Captain, knowing well how unprofessional that was. No. She felt something there. Perhaps it was the feeling that someone had taken her under their wing. Maybe it was the warm embrace she missed. And maybe she just missed her dad and that hug from Price was the closest thing she had felt in years.

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