Elena Morgan has been chewed up and spat around her whole life. Every moment in her life has led her to the newest threat in the world. But, for once, she does not feel alone in the world of the dead.
Hey! Another rapid update, because I have the time! Please note that this chapter is even more gruesome and contains graphic violence. Thank you all for tuning in again! <3 Hope you enjoy!
''Please, please-'' Elena repeated, gasp after gasp, as tears streamed down her face. The tormenting choice loomed before her like a dark cloud. It felt like a nightmare she couldn't wake up from.
Her eyes followed the one-eyed man, as he forcefully tied Kate to an empty chair with the same restraining ropes as everyone else. Elena's head pounded with pain, the relentless ache intensifying with each passing moment. The room echoed with her desperate cries.
''Please- I-It can be me,'' she begged, trying to meet Willem's gaze.
Her fingers pushed against the cold ground, as she was still on her hands and knees, mercifully begging. Between her sobs, Elena watched as the man held his hatchet against Gaz's neck and Willem crouched beside her.
''I'm sorry, Elena...'' Willem began, his voice quiet but potent. ''That's not how it's going to happen. I'd have no fun killing you.''
''P-please, I can- please, I can live like-'' Elena stuttered, not uttering a cohesive sentence.
Willem stood up and looked at her menacingly, praying on her like a vulture.
"Come now, Elena. Make a choice. It's not that hard,'' he mocked. ''Who lives, who dies?''
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Repeated cries of misery left Elena, as she stared at the floor.
''Do you think I'm joking?'' Willem asked and Elena looked up at him. ''Do you think I won't slash everyone's throats in this room and keep you alive to watch all of it? Keep you breathing afterwards to let that stupid decision take in? You're... not going to get out of this...''
Her heart tore with the impossibility of the decision.
She could never decide.
Gaz, who understood her like no one else, filled her heart with hope and love.
Kate, who had become a mother to her, was a pillar of support and guidance.
She could never decide.
Elena looked at Willem with mercy.
''I can't...'' she whispered.
''You can't?'' he asked. ''The agony of choice, right? Quite... excruciating.''
Elena, in her desperation, cried.
''I'll do anything else just p-please don't make me do that...''
''I'll kill every one of them then...'' Willem said, shaking his head disappointedly.
Elena looked away. She felt her face was covered by blood, tears, and snot.
''Elena-'' Gaz's voice softly said. ''Elena, look at me.''