Elena Morgan has been chewed up and spat around her whole life. Every moment in her life has led her to the newest threat in the world. But, for once, she does not feel alone in the world of the dead.
Rushed footsteps approached vividly on the wooden floor in the hallway and Elena felt their rushed breathing.
''What's goin' on? Who's that?'' Soap asked, placing his hand on Elena's back for support, as he leaned in and observed the man.
Having stood back up, Price turned to Elena and stared at her in silence. In fact, she felt that now everyone was staring at her, judging her.
''Who's that?'' Price repeated Soap's question in a much more serious tone.
Elena licked her lips and pointed to the man with her right hand.
''We used to work together... many years ago,'' she replied, a short pause in between.
She felt a couple of deep breaths around her accompanied, by as she imagined, eyebrow raises and shocked expressions. But Elena was only looking at Price.
''Worked together? Is that how you call that?'' the man practically snorted and said, but Price didn't look at him, keeping his eyes glued to Elena.
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Elena raised her hands and blinked slowly.
''I didn't know he would be here, sir, I- I had NO clue,''
Elena hated that her voice stuttered, making her sound like lies were flowing out of her mouth instead of the truth. Truth was, she was incredibly scared, as most people probably noticed. But it didn't look good for her.
''Did you work with him in the military?'' Price questioned.
''No,'' Elena shook her head. ''I-I can... I can just tell you-''
''Quit trying to make the girl stutter and-'' the man spoke again, this time earning a warning from Price in the shape of his gun aimed at his forehead.
''You keep your mouth shut or I won't waste seconds before executing you,'' Price spat out.
''Oh, speaking of that...'' the man spoke again and now several men were pointing their guns at him in seconds, but Price turned around with the same warning look. ''I, as introduced by Miss Morgan here, think we COULD make some sort of deal.''
There was silence for a couple of seconds before anyone spoke up.
''And why should we let you live?'' Ghost's voice spoke gruffly, clearly getting attention from the man.
''Oh, WOW- Elena, who are YOU hanging out with here?'' the man proudly asked, looking around all of them before starting to stand up. However, Price stepped toward him and put him back down, continuing to hold him by his arm.
However, Elena remained silent, only suffering the constant staring she earned from everyone in the room.
''Okay, you best start talking, girl or-'' the man began, but Ghost cut him off again.
''Clearly, she doesn't care if we shoot the bastard,'' Ghost took a step toward Elena.
Elena felt her knees starting to go out. She had been in many situations like that before where people were questioned, and she questioned them alongside Kate and found out the truth. But she never expected she'd end up with all the questions shot at her.