22 - a new beginning

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Elena knew things had come to an end. Sooner or later her past would have caught up with her. She had had a good run for years. Longer than most people had, she thought to herself, still hiding in Gaz's arms. Even in the heat of the situation, she couldn't help but feel her heart flutter at the touch of the Sergeant, as he glided his hand against her head, calming her down with every touch.

And then, when she heard the helicopter raise in the air, she couldn't handle it anymore. She didn't want to see it leave or even catch a glimpse of Sam.

''I'm sorry,'' in a stuttered voice she said, breaking free from the Sergeant's grasp.

Hiding her face behind her hand, she left Gaz's shirt full of tears and, probably, snot.

''Ibanez!'' she heard Soap's voice call after her, making her instantly scrunch up her nose in sorrow. No one would ever call her by that title, address her as an agent, or let alone see her the same.

She disappeared back inside the base, heading straight to the hallway of her room. However, she instantly looked up at the ceiling and cried louder, sniffing, and murmuring.

''The fucking keys are- I... fuck,'' Elena whispered, mid-cry, as she cursed herself for leaving her keys in her jacket.

She turned her head to see a few heads popping up in the area. Her cries and yells after Sam must have woken some up. Elena turned to quickly disappear into the bathroom.

''Shit!'' she cursed, almost slipping down.

Someone clearly hadn't mopped the floor after their shower.

Elena placed her hand over her mouth and observed how her chest rapidly heaved in her muffled breaths and cries. She closed her eyes, not letting herself see the mournful reflection in the mirror. She slowly slid down by the mirror, resting her back against the cold bathroom tiles.

As she sat, she could only think of one thing.

Sam had taken everything from her.

Outside of her job, Elena didn't have anything. Not a single person cared for her, not even a bed to sleep in. When she had left Sam eight years ago, that had been the last home she had had.

Elena wiped her face, letting out another soft cry.


Kate's familiar voice caused Elena to look up. She hadn't locked the door behind herself and there probably wasn't another person in the entire building that resembled Elena's cries.

''Mmm?'' Elena hummed back and seeing the door open slightly, she hid her face by her knees.

''Elena...'' Kate said softly in a comforting voice.

Not wasting a second, the chief ducked down by Elena, placing her hand on her head.

''Elena...'' she repeated quietly.


Gaz's eyes followed the helicopter that carried Sam until it quickly disappeared into the snowy sky.

''Have a horrible flight, you fucker,'' he cursed softly under his breath, already feeling cold from Elena's absence.

''Sounds 'rite,'' Soap added, patting his back.

The three men waited for a few seconds before looking at their Captain.

''Sir...'' Ghost began and cleared his throat, although his voice still remained rough. ''What do we do?''

Scratching his mustache, Price looked at the sky before meeting the eyes of his soldiers.

''I don't know, son...'' he sighed and looked down.

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