Elena Morgan has been chewed up and spat around her whole life. Every moment in her life has led her to the newest threat in the world. But, for once, she does not feel alone in the world of the dead.
Heya! So I'm back from my trip to London! This chapter will be told from Soap's perspective, first through his journal, to give a slight summary of the CBQ (close-quarters battle) test and the Sergeant's thoughts on Elena and Gaz. Soon, we'll jump into action and A LOT of fluffy (and possibly smutty) romantic tropes hehe. Hope you enjoy it! :)
Monday, November 13th, 2022
Elena Morgan. The new star of the 141. There's so many secrets about her, but it feels like we've finally scratched below the surface. And like usual, it's time for a little background check on a fellow member.
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(i hope the drawing does her justice)
Name: Elena Morgan
Alia(s): Ibanez
Nationality: American
Affiliations: U.S. Army (formerly)
Task Force 160 (formerly) (got your girl, night stalkers)
CIA (formerly) (got your girl, Laswell)
Task Force 141 (WE GOT HER!!!)
Rank: Sergeant
Birth: 27.12.1994. (age 27)
Newton, Massachusetts, U.S.
Height: 5'7
Weight: DO YOU THINK I WOULD ASK THAT?!?! (She was pretty light when I picked her up but could be around 125 pounds)
Build: Athletic
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green (and pretty, Gaz don't kill me)
Relatives: Unnamed Mother
Unnamed Father
Skills: Pretty damn good brain
Master combatant
Skilled free runner and climber (that woman is a monkey HOLY HELL)
Vehicular skills (unlike Ghost, she can drive and fly well, although we haven't seen it yet)
Thief skills (I don't know how to call them but she cracked open a safe in a minute and I'm sure she's good at pickpocketing too, among other things)
Multilingualism (English, French, Russian, Latin (APPARENTLY?!?!?), Spanish (Alejandro has taught her some)
Hobby: Playing the guitar, reading about history, and languages, and making Gaz blush like a teenager