chapter 12

281 5 6

year 3

Hallies pov.

"alright hurry up you two!" i said to Sage and Fred who walked behind George and I.
we all were on our way to Hogsmeades for the first time, it was so exciting. and the day was just perfect for it. at least, in my opinion.

snow flurries fell and covered our hair, our shoes crunching through thick snow, the sky a cool gray color. the trees frosty white and dead. many people ran by us laughing and running into many shops.
"where are we going first?" i asked as i looked down at the map i had gotten.
"you have a map?" said Fred, amused as he and Sage both caught up with us, the both of them panting a bit.
"of course i do" i said, straightening out the parchment.

"i say The Three Broomsticks" Sage spoke, pointing with her gloved hand.
all of us agreed and we walked into the cozy looking place.
it was bustling with business, the warm air hitting my face as i entered in. clearly wasted people laughing and spilling drinks all over.
"let's find a table" said George loudly as he pressed his hands against my shoulders and guided me to a booth in the back of the building.

i scooted in, Sage across from me, and George sat next to me with Fred across from him.
i took off my scarf, feeling a lot less choked than before. my face red and blotchy from the cold outside.
i took off my gloves and rubbed my hands together to keep them warm.
after a bit of chatting Fred and George both left to get us some food and butterbeers.

"you never had the chance to tell me why you were soaking wet" said Sage, warming up her hands.
"oh right" i laughed, then began to explain what George had done as i rolled my eyes.
"i think im done hanging out with the git" i sighed dramatically.
"you know that's a lie" she laughed, continuing to laugh about the fact he dumped me into the ice cold water.
"i could have died!" i exclaimed loudly, not loud enough over the busyness of the place however.
"from what!"
"hello! hypothermia!"
"oh i'm sure it's enchanted or something like that" she laughed.

Fred and George arrived moments later as Sage was wiping the tears from her face from laughing so hard.
which made me laugh, having to grab onto my pained abdomen.
"what's happened over here" Fred said, looking extremely worried for Sage.
"she's laughing about me almost dying!" i said through gasps of laughter.
Sage tried to speak but could barely get anything out before having another fit of laughter.

George slid a tray of fish and chips over to me and a very appealing looking butterbeer.
i thanked him quietly as Sage explained to Fred why she was in such a state.
Fred laughed a bit with her then gave her a tray of fish and chips as well.
we all happily ate and drank our butterbeers (which were fantastic. i could have drank a dozen more if i wasn't so full)

we all left feeling very full and tried, but not so tried to not go to Honeydukes.
i bought a couple of chocolate frogs, not wanting to waste all of my galleons.
then we left to visit Zonkos. the twins loved it, it was like heaven for them.
we were in Zonkos for a long while until we had to practically drag the both of the twins out before they tried to steal everything.
after feeling quite tired, as well as the sun setting and not wanting to miss dinner we all decided it was best to head back.


once we had gotten back we parted ways, with the twins as Sage and I went up to the Hufflepuff common room.
we both acknowledged the amount of study work we had to do and quickly put away our things we had bought and got to work.

after long hours of the both of us studying we had realized it was 10 past 8 and we both quickly closed up our books and other work materials and rushed down the stairs. the both of us still a bit full from our late lunch, but still needed food.

we both ate a bit of dinner then decided to go to the library for a change of scenery as we studied. however i stared out the dark ice coated window more than i did study.
that was until the twins had found us and Fred had stolen Sage away, of course convincing Sage she would have enough time to finish her study work before she had to turn it in (of course she obliged)
George knew i was to determined on getting my work done, so he sat across from me with his legs propped onto the table as he leaned back in his chair, waiting for me to finish with my Potions paper that had to be done.

he hummed a bit, which comforted me in the warm, cozy library.
"almost done?" he kept pestering me.
"if you want to leave you can" i bit. and he stopped asking.
he was kind enough to help me with my books until of course he had to stop outside the Hufflepuff common room.
i rushed to put away my books and rushed back, out of breath as i met back with George.

we walked around the school chatting about life as we usually did. then we both snuck past Filch and went for a short fly around. my face frozen cold once we had landed on top of the astronomy tower.
i always clutched onto the railing of the tower, George was always scaring me half to death on that broom.

"will you consider trying out for Quidditch?" he asked as we both leaned again the railings, staring out at the dark sky and beautiful view of mountains and water.
"consider, maybe, try out, probably not" i said. i didn't have much confidence with any of my skills really.
"oh come on" he said, sounding a bit frustrated with me.
"don't go doubting yourself" he shoved me a bit with his elbow. i cracked a smile. adjusting comfortably against the rail.
"you'd have to force me" i said.
"alright then i'll force you"
"you just want to play against me and taunt beating me" i said, sticking my tongue out at him playfully.
"eh you're not wrong" he said. i shoved him this time and he cracked a small smile.
"but also you're not right" he whispered to me.

we sat in silence for a bit longer until it had grown a bit darker in the sky and George decided we should head back.
we went for a short fly around then landed back onto the ground and snuck to put Georges broom back. he walked me to the Hufflepuff common room and we gave a short hug goodbye as i entered inside the warm common room, many students dozing off in armchairs or studying contently.

i quietly walked up to the girls dormitories and found mine. climbed into bed after tidying up and pulled my curtains shut to sleep.

1215 words.

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