chapter 47

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year 6.

Hallies pov.

when Mr. Weasley got home Sage and I tried our best to give the family their space, but Mrs. Weasley was so kind, she was pulling us into everything, saying we were practically like family now. it made me feel warm inside, a feeling i haven't felt in a long time.

i think half of the reason was Mrs. Weasley knew about my sister, they all did. assuming George must have told them. it was almost awkward. i felt bad for wanting to be cooped up in one of the rooms alone.
but i liked the self isolating, even though i knew it was bad for me.
i tried to tell myself i was fine. but even my self conscious couldn't lie.

Christmas day was lovely, Mrs. Weasley knitted Sage and I sweaters. we both loved them. i cherished it more than i thought i would. i guess it really did make me feel a part of the family. Sage appreciated the feeling of a family. not only did my family love her but the Weasleys also treated her like their very own, considering her shitty family.
over all, this was a really nice Christmas.

going back to Hogwarts however was quite sad. Mr. Weasley seemed to have gotten a lot better though so it was time.


once we had gotten back Hagrid had returned.
everyone whispered about it all day, he looked rough, he had scratches all over his face, he was pretty pale as well, limping on one foot.
i decided i didn't want to know why and didn't want to ask any questions.


the next morning at breakfast i sipped slowly at my hot coffee, zoning out one of the frost covered windows.
suddenly, someone had blocked me view, i looked up to see shiny blonde hair and an annoying face. Malfoy.
"hey Jackson," his mouth curled into a malicious smile. 
Oh God, what is it this time. i thought. i bit down on my tongue to stop myself from saying something that would probably get me in trouble. Sage glared at me, she didn't want me to hit Draco this time, i really wanted to, my fist was gripping tightly into the napkin next to me, Draco looked at me with disgust. i stared at him with threatening eyes.

he tossed a the paper onto the table, giving me flashbacks. i was about to get up but Sages face had gone completely pale and that's when i decided i'd rather stay here than bother with Malfoy. maybe next time.
he better stay far away from me.
"what" i said quietly, trying not to draw attention. i grabbed the paper and read quickly.

the title read. i felt my stomach drop.
Sage looked at me, eyes wide, i could just tell her heart was pounding.
i got up.
"come on." i whispered and took one last glance at Malfoy. he was laughing at the Slytherin table. i clutched tightly onto Sages shirt. i knew she didn't want to cause a scene so i pushed her to keep walking slowly. we tried our best not to make a scene but once we had left The Great Hall we began to run.

we almost tripped running up the steps, the both of us out of breath, Sage was biting on her lip as i looked at her. she looked like she was going to pass out.
we ran into the Hufflepuff common room then up to our room. i closed the door quickly behind us and i turned to look at her.
she stared at me, we both knew this was bad, this was worse than we could imagine.

"H- Hallie what if they find me." her voice was just above a whisper, my heart was breaking at her fear, her face, she was deathly scared.
"they won't. they won't... i promise" i said. i really didn't want to break that promise. i pulled her close to me, wrapping my arms around her. she was shaking in my arms. i didn't want to let go of her, she didn't want to let go of me either.


we still had to go to classes, it felt like as we walked through the corridors eyes were on Sage. like everyone was judging, pointing, whispering. Sage was trying her hardest to ignore it. or maybe we were just to paranoid.

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