chapter 13

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year 3

Georges pov.

she soared through the sky, grasping for the Snitch as it zoomed around. i kept my eye on her and the Snitch. her robes flying through the soft summer air.

she scooted a bit further up her broom, her hands clutched tightly around it as she reached a bit further out, still zooming around, a bit wobbly in the sky.
i gripped tightly onto my broom with anticipation.
leaning forwards a bit, biting on my bottom lip.

she scooted forwards and-
i rushed towards her, soaring through the sky as she fell downwards i quickly grabbed ahold of her robes, grabbing her arms which gripped tightly onto mine, i pulled her up into my arms, keeping steady as i stayed floating in the air.
she breathed heavily, looking up at me, her cheeks turned pink, i could feel the heat rush to my face.
she turned away and looked down at the ground, looking at her broom which was now several of feet below us.

"oh i hope it's not broken" she winced. i held her tightly then soared down to the ground, tumbling a bit as we rolled together.
we pushed off each other and she got up, brushing off her robes as she walked over to her broom.
she picked it up. i sat up, fixing my messy hair.
"just a few scratches" she smirked, examining it. i nodded, stood up and grabbed my broom.

i looked up, seeing the snitch still fluttering in the hot sun.
"i'll get it-"
"no" she shoved me aside a bit and mounted her broom quickly, soaring into the air i watched as she quickly retrieved the snitch and flew back down, landing a far ways away and a bit out of breath.

i walked over to her.
"you should really consider it" i said, she turned to look at me brushing her wild hair out of her face.
"at this point i might just tryout to shut you up" she snapped at me. i raised my brow.
"they are in a week" i said, leaning against my broom.
she rolled her eyes at me and begun to walk back to school.

i stared at her, getting an idea.
"wait-" i ran up to her. she turned and looked at me.
"what class have you got?" i asked.
"Potions... why?"
"want to skip?" i smirked.
"you're going to get me into a lot of trouble George Weasley" she said. i smirked.
"but you can't say no to this face can you" i batted my eyelashes dramatically.
"no" she mumbled.
"alright where are we going" she said as she began to walk.
"come on."


we walked around for a bit, stopping near the great lake as i threatened to throw her back in.
i picked up a rock and threw it across the lake, tossing it roughly as it skipped along the water.
"how'd you do that?" she asked, picking up a rock and tossing it into the water.
i laughed a bit.
"have you never heard of skipping rocks"
"of course i have" she picked up another rock and tried.
"here" i said, bending down and picking up a flat rock.

i walked over and grabbed her hands, positioning her and shoving the rock into her hands, she gripped it with her fingers and i pulled her arm back, positioning it.
"alright toss it!" i said as she threw the rock, it skipped a few times and dropped into the water. she smiled and looked up at me, my hands still wrapped around her arms.
"great!" i said.
she looked at me, her cheeks a soft pink as she avoided eye contact and quickly pulled away. i straightened my back and cleared my throat.

"erm-" i began and checked my watch.
"oh great we're late for lunch" she said, looking at my watch.
"let's head back" she smiled and began walking away. i agreed and followed her.

Hallies pov.

George and I both snuck back into school, trying our best to avoid Filch from seeing us.
we quickly got lost in a sea of students as we laughed to ourselves about skipping class with no one noticing.

"Mrs. Gold." said a voice behind me. i froze, looking up at George with widened eyes. we both turned around.
Snape stood staring down at me, his greasy hair like curtains over his face, his dark eyes staring down at me.
"and may i ask why you weren't in class." he said thickly.
i swallowed harshly.
"erm- sick" i coughed into my arm. George backed away from me.
"then why. are you in the school halls and not in the hospital wing." he spat. i went to say something but instead was interrupted.
"10 points taken from Hufflepuff, and detention tonight in my office at 8pm sharp." he looked up at George.
"you as well. 10 points from Gryffindor"
George groaned.

Snape turned to look back down at me.
"and i demand you write me a very long essay about Doxyvenom." he turned around, his robes swishing as he strutted down the hall and back into the Potions classroom.
"i really dislike you right now Weasley" i groaned, rubbing my forehead at the thought.
"i've been in detention with Snape many times, don't worry" he patted my shoulder and turned around.
"i'm killing him" i mumbled and stormed off to my dorm to start on my essay.


i yawned, stretching my arms and cracking my back as i wrote down the long foot of parchment.
"you should probably get down to dinner if you want something to eat before your detention"
i turned around to see Sage throwing a bag over her shoulder and rushing down the girls dormitory stairs.
i looked down at the parchment, knowing i had to also continue it on the back side as well. i groaned, looked up at the clock. half past 7
i quickly got up, rushed up to my room and put my stuff on my bed.
i'll finish it later.

i rushed back down the stairs and out the common room. quickly catching up with Sage who was walking with Fred at her right hip, George next to him.
"hey" i said breathlessly, looking at them, they all greeted me and we continued to walk.
we entered the great hall and parted ways with the twins.
i quickly ate my dinner, i had to make sure i made it to Potions or i knew i would either get assigned more homework or points taken away from Hufflepuff.
i told Sage i would see her later and sprinted out The Great Hall.

i rushed down to the Potions class room and busted through the door.
George, who was already in there, turned around and looked at me as i leaned over a desk, breathing heavily.
"i'll be back in an hour" snarled Snape as he eyed me with his usual look of disgust and left the room, slamming the door behind him which made me jump.

i looked up to the clock.
8:01 thank the lord he didn't punish me.
"how's the essay going" smirked George, his arms crossed as he stood leaning against the wall.
i rolled my eyes.
"what are we doing?"
"dusting off the shelves and potions, just cleaning up and stuff" he shrugged. i nodded, walked over and grabbed a rag to begin my dusting.

George took one side of the room and i took the other side, having to carefully dust each bottle and shelf with precision. i was sure if there was a speck of dust we'd have to stay in here an hour longer.
George hummed to himself across the room, some tune i didn't know.

we had to clean the desks as well, i wasn't really thanking the people who had stuck their chewing gum underneath the desk.
i wore gloves as i scrapped the gum off with a disgusted look.


the door had swung open just as i had finished wiping off a desk.
George and i looked up as Snape dramatically looked at the two of us, then looked around the room, inspecting it.
"your free to go." he snarled. the two of us quickly rushed ourselves out the classroom.
"God if he said we had to go for another hour i would have cried" i said. George agreeing.

"do you want to go on a fly with me?" he asked as we walked down the halls, passing laughing students.
"i've got lots of homework" i said sadly. i really wanted too but wasn't going to put off my homework.
"oh.. okay" he smiled.
"maybe you shouldn't have been so convincing about skipping class" i whispered as we passed by Professor Mcgonnagall.
he put up his arms. "hey, that's my fault" he smirked.
"i'll see you later" i smiled as we parted ways and i headed up to the Hufflepuff common room.

1495 words.

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