chapter 55

86 7 2

year 7

Hallies pov.

"have you heard what's happened to Katie Bell?" i whisper, sitting down next to Sage in DADA class.
"i think the whole school has" she whispers, writing in her notebook.
"i know.. it's just.. something weirds going on.. i have a strange feeling about it"
she looks up at me. "same"
Snape enters the classroom, walking down the rows of desks. his robes swinging behind him. he grabs his wand and points it at the chalkboard and begins to write in chalk. i draw my attention back to Sage, leaning in close.

"George said something to me.." i whisper, even quieter, because i know i'm in big trouble if Snape catches us. i glance at Snape multiple times.
she furrows her eyebrows at me.
"he wants me to move in with him.."
Sages eyes widen, she looks like she doesn't expect it.
"really?" she asks. i nod. she looks back at her notebook, pretending to take notes whenever Snape looks our way. he looks back to the board and Sage leans in.
"99 of my problems would be solved if we just lived with the twins" she says. i smile.


"i don't know, just odd things are happening... but.. in this moment i feel peaceful" i say, laying my head in Georges lap as we're sat by the fireplace in the room of requirement. it's one of the only places we get to peacefully hide in. him showing up inside the school after basically blowing up The Great Hall is kind of complicated.
George plays with my hair. he hums.
"i wouldn't worry about it.. just get through the school year, then you're graduating"
i smile and turn my head to look up at him.
"you know, i don't know how my parents are going to feel about me moving in with my boyfriend" i play with the hem of his shirt. he smirks.
"well i hope they're okay with it" he says. he leans down and places a kiss on my forehead.

"i wish we could stay here forever.." i say softly. he looks into the fire and i stare at his beautiful face. i brush my fingers against the light stubble on his chin, the fire dances in his warm eyes.
"me too.." he whispers beneath his breath.
i pull myself into a sitting position, my hair messy from his fingers.
i grab his chin and pull him close to me, i lock our lips. they're warm and comforting as they always are. he hums and places his hand on my cheek, pulling me close. i feel his other hand brush underneath my shirt. i smirk into another kiss as his warm hand meets my cold skin.

he leans back against the sofa, both of his hands gripping my sides as we kiss in unison. the fire crackles over the sounds of our deep breathing. the only time i feel my mind at peace is when i'm with him.
i couldn't imagine my life without George Weasley. he pulls from the kiss and breathes. resting our foreheads against each other.
"do you need to be back in your dorm any time soon?" he asks. i'm unable to hide my smile as my cheeks burn.
"no.." i say. "what do you have planned.." i smirk. his lips kiss on my neck.
"i think you know.." he says into my ear. i laugh a little.
"i do.." i say in a hushed voice. letting his lips travel on my skin.


I wrap my scarf around my neck and pull on my jacket.
"Sage!" i shout, pulling my hair from out the heavy jacket that belongs to George.
Sage walks out of the bathroom.
"yes?" she asks, picking at her hair trying to make it look neat.
"are you coming to the Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch match with me?" i say, fixing my makeup in the mirror.
"actually, me and Fred are hanging out tonight" she says, grabbing her bag and tossing things into it.
"really.." i smirk.
"yes.." she side eyes me.
"well you two have fun.." i grab my bag, opening the door i look back at her.
"and be extra safe" i smile.
"Hallie!" she shouts at me as i leave. i laugh my way down the stairs.

"finally!" Lucy says. she's sprawled out on the couch in the Hufflepuff common room.
"listen, i've gotta make sure i look good" i roll my eyes. she gets up from the couch.
"you're rooting for Gryffindor right?" she asks, wrapping her arm around mine, interlocking our arms as we walk.
"obviously, any team with Draco Malfoy on it doesn't deserve my praise.." i say.
"I still can't believe you punched him" she laughs.
"and then got trauma from having detention with him..." i shake my head.
"Fred was kind of valid for that though" Lucy whispers. i laugh. "you aren't wrong.

we walk down the halls chatting together. on our way to the Quidditch pitch she stops me.
"i forgot to tell you" she says, letting go of our arms. i furrow my eyebrows.
"what...." i say, questioning her. she awkwardly bites at her lip.
"uhm.. well... you know Theo.."
"your boyfriend? yes"
"and he's in Slytherin.." she drags out her words.
"what are you trying to say" i squint at her.
"well... he's friends with Sebastian.. Benedict."
"which means?"
"which means we have to sit by him.."
i pause. "we don't really have to do we?"
"where else are we going to find seats?" Lucy says. she's right. but i really don't want to be harassed by Sebastian. of all people. George already dealt with him, maybe he'll back off.

"you're right" i groan.
"i'm sorry! i should have told you sooner.. but i only just found out.."
"that they were friends?"
"well... not exactly."
"how fun.." i groan and continue to walk. Lucy apologizes to me the whole time, i promise her i don't care all to much. Sebastian's a dickhead. besides. he can say what he wants to me, it won't affect me. maybe i shouldn't tell George about it this time, or he might actually murder the guy. i'm all for punching people but murders going a little to far in my book.

when we squeeze past people to find our seats i'm sat directly next to Sebastian and i already feel like chucking myself out of the stands and into the fake grass at the bottom of the pitch.
seriously what could be worse. i act like he isn't there. Lucy is all over her boyfriend so i have no one to talk to. i'm squished between some random Slytherin and Sebastian. i hate my life.

i choose to ignore him. even though it's pretty hard with his obnoxious presence.
as the match starts Sebastian cheers for Slytherin. so loud that i think my ears might begin to bleed. i feel lost in the sea of Slytherins whilst my eyes are trained on Harry. silently cheering him on in my head.

when the game has cooled down a little bit i can feel Sebastian's arm rubbing up against me and i think i might vomit. when i turn to look at him he looks at me. i want to cry.
i roll my eyes at him.
"hello Hallie.." he says.
i bite at my tongue so i won't laugh in his face, but then i smirk.
"it's looks like your jaw has healed up nicely" i retort and Sebastian's face falls.
i laugh and turn back to the game.
"you know your boyfriends hit didn't even hurt" he says loudly over the crowd.
"oh yeah.. sure" i say, not looking back at him.
"he's so sensitive you know that! can't take a joke!"
i bite at the inside of my mouth because i feel like i'm about to start attacking him if he doesn't shut up.

"and you think you're so much better?" i laugh in his face. he huffs.
"you rely on daddy's money to buy you anything you want! and bloody hell that hair! stop using so much gel it's practically rock solid!" i say loudly. then the crowd erupts into cheering and boos and i whip my head to look back, i see the Gryffindor team flying at each other cheering. a smile stretched across my face and i stand up, cheering loudly. i look down at Sebastian and smirk. he boos loudly but it isn't louder than the Gryffindor supporters cheering.
and i've never felt happier for Gryffindor to win.

1429 words.


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