chapter 56

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Year 7.

Hallies pov.

"i think my parents might be a bit annoyed that i'm always spending my Christmas' with the Weasleys" i tell Sage as i'm packing my bags.
she laughs.
"yeah can't relate"
i laugh then put a hand over my mouth. she looks up at me.
"sorry.." i say, continuing to fold my clothes and place them neatly into my bag.
she smiles at the apology.

"at least you're spending Christmas eve with them" she says.
"yeah, i wish i had a longer amount of time with y'all though..."
"you mean George~" she says in a sing song voice. i roll my eyes.
"well, yes.. but also you" i say.
she shakes her head. "okay~"


it's Christmas day, 7am when i land roughly onto the grass from apparating.
i clutch my bags tightly and feel like im going to vomit. i think i still need to work on landing better. i clutch at my stomach for a second and then i look up when i hear the front door of the Burrow swinging open.
it's Mrs. Weasley with a wide smile on her face.
"Hallie!" she says, approaching me. i stand up straight and smile, rushing over to her we both hug each other. she hugs me so tight i have to act like i'm not about to vomit the contents of my stomach.

she pulls from the hug and i hear a pop behind me. i flinch and turn around, looking up into the most perfect eyes.
i smile. "hi" i say.
"hey" George smirks and wraps his arms around me, giving me a warm hug. i hear footsteps behind me and Sages voice.
George quickly places a kiss on my lips and then i feel Sage tackling me into a hug from behind.
"ow!" i say, then turn and we hug each other.
"you know it's been a few days since we've seen each other" i laugh.
"i know" she mutters into my hair.
we pull from the hug and i see Fred behind her. i give him a hug and then we all walk inside. Sage follows me up into Ginny's room where we'll be staying together.

"woah, it looks so much more grown up in here" i look around, i remember staying in here when Ginny was younger.
"it's like watching your little sister grow up" Sage says, wiping fake tears from her eyes. i play along with her and do a few fake sniffles. Ginny comes in.
"what's going on in here" she says. i smile and hug her. Fred pulls Sage away from us.
i pull Ginny over and we both sit on her bed.

"so, you've got to tell me.." i say quietly, since the bedroom door is still open. she looks at me with a questioned look.
"whats up with you and Harry?" i nudge her side. she smiles, her cheeks turning red.
"nothing.." she says quietly.
"'nothing'" i mock her. she looks away.
"come on.. i see the awkwardness between you two!" i say. she can barely hide her smile.
"alright.. alright.. don't tell anybody about it" she smiles.
"i think everybody knows" i whisper, then get up and walk out the bedroom.


later that night i'm up in the twins old bedroom with George. we're both sat on his bed cuddled against each other, both full from the dinner we just ate. Mrs. Weasleys food is definitely the best. don't tell my mum i said that.
i'm running my fingers through Georges soft hair over and over again. his eyes keep closing, he tries to hold them open, i smile each time he looks back at me. he looks so in love, my head spins at the thought of someone being in love with me. he knows all my flaws yet he still chooses to love me. what kind of person is like that? George Weasley. i swear he's perfect.

i close my eyes, my hand becoming tired. i let myself get sleepy. i don't care. i'll sleep right here with George, the warmth of his arms wrapped around my body. i listen to his breathing and it puts me to sleep.


"Hallie!" i jump up. immediately i feel warmth hit me. but not George comforting warmth. i'm sweating and my skin feels like it's on fire. there's smoke coming in from underneath the door. i get out of Georges bed. George helps me.
"what's going on!" i panic.
"the house is on fire!" he says, his hand is gripping mine so tightly that i have to pull my hand from his grasp.
"grab me!" he shouts. and i latch onto his arm and then feel queasy.
then i feel cold air hit my body and my feet touch grass. i fall down onto my hands and knees. now i really am going to vomit.

i look up and see where the giant light is coming from.
the Burrow is covered in dancing flames that lick every inch of the house. i have no words. then i frantically look around and see Sage holding tightly onto Fred. my heart calms at the sight of her being safe. i rub the sleep from my eyes and then feel somebody's hands on my hips helping me to stand. i turn and see George, but his eyes are just trained on the home. his home. my heart begins to hurt at the sight of the house and then the tears collecting in his eyes.
"George.." i say softly, then wrap my arms around him, pulling him close. how did this happen.

"Hallie!" i hear Sage. i turn and she's running towards me with relief covering her face, tears streaming, staining her rose colored cheeks.
from behind her i see Fred bolt into the tall grass. i panic and then turn around, but i already see Georges body disappear into the grass, his wand drawn by his side.
i turn back to Sage who's wiping fresh tears.
"what's happened?!" i ask, realizing how tightly im gripping onto her shirt. she's in her regular sleeping clothes that consist of a tank top and shorts. she must be freezing.
"I- Bellatrix! she's burnt it all up! Harry's after her now" she says. i grab her and pull her into a tight hug, she hugs me back. i dig my head into her shoulder and squeeze my eyes tightly shut. hoping, wishing, praying that George is okay in there. that they're all okay.

smoke fills in the air as we watch the house collapse, the wood disappearing into ash. Sage and I are holding onto each other. the both of us are hoping to see the twins exit from the grass any time now. i keep my eyes trained on the grass and then i see Harry burst out into the clearing, panting. Mrs Weasley grabs ahold of him, and then Mr. Weasley comes out and she rushes to him, they hug each other and watch the house be taken by the flames.

i look around frantically then see Fred, he rushes up to Sage and then i see George at my side. i grab him, wanting to shout at him for going on a suicide mission, but then i just grab him and hold him, he hugs me back and i cry silently into his shirt. the only thing keeping us warm is the fire from the house that's now gone.

1242 words.


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