chapter 46

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year 6.

Hallies pov.

when i was back in classes with Professor Umbridge it was still the same long dreadful experience. but it was more strict, she walked around watching all of us, peering over our shoulders. i heard that her detentions involved writing and blood. it didn't sound like a fun time.
i usually zoned out in class, tapping my quill, in Umbridges class i had to pay attention.

i remember my first detention with Umbridge.
George walked me there, he hated the thought of me going, he said he wished it would have been him going. i said it was fine, i could handle it and i expected it to happen.
i hadn't been doing my homework, usually i would be on top of it, i always was, i was organized and coordinated. but considering everything that happened, it was understandable. Umbridge didn't take this lightly though, she didn't care all to much about my circumstances.
i ended up with blood seeping from my hand, George helped bandage my hand, he looked as if he was going to cry, i remember seeing the scarring of his hand. it wasn't humorous that we (and half of the school) had matching scars.

i was going to the DA meetings. Harry was a pretty lovely teacher. George continued to keep his eye on me. he kept telling me i didn't have to go to them if i wasn't up for it.
even though i had been through hell, i wanted to help, even if i might not have believed entirely our plan would work. but the more we practiced, the more i began to have a bit of hope.


it was late at night when i was shoved around. i heard Sage hissing at me, she sounded panicked and i sat up quickly. my heart was pounding heavily and i was scared. for i moment i thought it was my sisters death all over again. like i was living in a reoccurring nightmare and this time Sage was waking me up to say somebody else was gone and dead. my heart was thumping, my eyes hurting from the overhead light.

"Hallie, it's Mr. Weasley!" she said, breathing heavy as she was pulling me out of bed.
the both of us weren't in appropriate clothes, both wearing short sleep shorts and a tank top as we rushed out of our dorm and common room to run after Professor McGonagall and the Weasleys.

it felt strange running in the halls without shoes and in my sleep clothes.
"George" i said breathlessly as Sage and i caught up, he looked down at me, still speed walking, he looked so scared, his hair messy, his eyes watering he looked terrified. i felt my heart burning at his look of distraught. i wished to pull him into a hug but we were all rushing so fast there was no time to stop.

once we had gotten to Dumbledores office the light was dim, Dumbledore began to ask Harry questions. Harry was breathing heavily and he was drenched in sweat.
i held Georges hand in mine, he squeezed my hand so hard. i didn't care though, i let him squeeze my hand. he has been there for me this entire year, i needed to be here for him.

"look at me!" Harry shouted suddenly, everyones heads turned to him. Georges hand suddenly relaxed in my grip.
"what's happening to me." Harry's voice cracked, Dumbledore stared at him. we all stared at him with confusion.
Professor Snape walked in, looking around at the scene.
"you wished to see me, headmaster?" he spoke in his same monotones voice he always did.
"oh, Severus. i'm afraid we can't wait. not even till the morning. otherwise, we'll all be vulnerable." Dumbledore urged, Snape nodded and grabbed Harry by his wrist, pulling him out of Dumbledores office, all of us shared looks of confusion.

Dumbledore looked to Professors McGonagall.
"take the children to pack their things, then they will use the Portkey immediately." Dumbledore turned and walked to his desk, running his fingers along his chin. McGonagall guided us out, we all rushed to the Gryffindor common room, McGonagall stopped Sage and I from entering and turned to us.
"girls, please back to your rooms." she said.
Sage looked at me, the both of us sharing the same expressions.
"no. im sorry Professor but we won't be leaving the Weasleys." i spoke, Sage looked to caught up in worry to speak.
"i can't allow you—" began McGonagall but Fred had cut her off, he was yet to enter the common room.
"Professor. i want them to come." he said. McGonagall stared at him then obliged.
"oh all right. pack your things... quickly!" she said.

i grabbed Sage by the hand and pulled her with me, she seemed so frozen in worry. i had no idea what to say as we ran, so i said nothing.
as Sage and I packed our bags i still said nothing. we both breathed heavily. so many thoughts were running through my head. i hadn't even been awake for thirty minutes and i was already packing up to leave.
i quickly rushed to my desk and grabbed parchment paper and a quill, i had to inform my parents i wasn't going to be coming home for Christmas. there was no time to ask for permission. surely they would have to just understand.

i felt horrible leaving my family like this.
i knew they wanted me to spend Christmas with them because of everything that had happened. but i wasn't going to leave George, not when he had never left me through all this mess i was going through. there was no chance i would let him leave without me.

"come on" Sage said, it was the first time she had spoken in a while. she was packed and she looked distressed.
i nodded and closed my luggage.
"let's go."


later that night, after arriving at Grimmauld place none of us could sleep. Sirius was there urging us to sleep but everybody else denied it. we were going to wait until Mr. Weasley was home. Sirius finally obliged to us staying awake and offered us butterbeers.

as i was setting up my sleeping place for the next few days in one of the bedrooms George was sat on the bed opposite of mine, the one Sage had agreed to sleep on.
once i had finished putting on the sheets i went and sat next to George. i grabbed his hand and laid my head on his shoulder, he laid his head on top of mine shortly after.

we sat in comfortable silence for a while, besides the muttering of voices downstairs and the wind outside the window that made the floorboards creak every now and then.
i softly rubbed Georges hand with my thumb. he stirred, lifting his head. i lifted mine to look up at him, his eyes glossy.
"i'm glad you came." he said softly, as quiet as he possibly could.
i gave him a light smile and pulled him into a hug, he buried his head into the crook of my neck as i rubbed his back. i let out a shaky sigh, so many thoughts circling my head. we sat there hugging for a while, i could tell that George didn't want to let go, and neither did I. so we sat there until Sage came into the room and urged us that Mr. Weasley was back.

1255 words.


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