chapter 31

178 6 2

year 4

Hallies pov.

Dear Serenity,
George and I are dating! i've never been more excited. you were right, he truly is the best.
he kissed me after winning the quidditch match against Slytherin and we made it official.
i can't stop smiling. we've spent everyday together for the past 2 weeks.
i am excited to go home and see the family. but, i'm going to miss George.
get back to me so i can tell you all about it in person! love you - Hallie xoxo

i sealed up the letter and handed it too one of the schools old brown barn owls, who took it between its beak and flew off fiercely. i smiled, feeling giddy inside.
it's like my insides were doing backflips and front flips everyday.
my stomach twisting and turning every time George would slightly brush his arm against me, or smile directly at me. his smile was for me...

it felt completely different to be official.
no more trying to look at him without him noticing, no more awkward blushing when he would say something remotely flirtatious.

i think i'm in love. which feels like a problem. we just started dated, i'm 15 and i think i'm in love. maybe it's because this is the first person i've dated and I'm just so happy it feels like love.  but seriously, when i've had crushes it was never this much, I've never felt so captivated. so, so flustered. then again, i might just be crazy.
i sure felt crazy. if i were to tell Sage that i was in love with George after only dating him for two weeks i would sound insane.

i headed down from the Owlery, passing by chattering students as i stayed in thought.
i walked through the corridors of school, enjoying the last day of my 4th year at Hogwarts.
it seemed crazy to have been here for four years already. i remember my first day and how bloody anxious i was to sit up there with a talking hat on my head who could read my thoughts. being put into Hufflepuff was for sure a relief though.

suddenly, i had felt something hard hit my shoulder as i tumbled a bit, books falling to the floor. i had been completely immersed in a day dream.
i quietly cursed underneath my breath then looked up to see a tall Hufflepuff guy with brown hair bending down to pick up the books that had fallen to the floor.

"oh i'm sorry" i quickly apologized, bending down i picked up one of the books and handed it to him.
i had recognized him the moment he looked at me. Cedric Diggory, only one of the most popular boys in school, it felt stupid to call someone a "popular kid" but that was what he was.
"it's alright" he smiled politely.
"aren't you the new captain for the Hufflepuff team?" i asked, sparking conversation with how awkward it was
"yeah i am" he said. "sad schools ending though" he laughed a little.
"yeah" i said. "i'm Hallie" i stuck out my hand, he awkwardly reached his hand out from under his stack of books and shook my hand.
"Cedric" he firmly gripped my hand.

"well, it was nice bumping into you" i laughed a little.
"you too" he said and walked past me.
i continued walking and found myself up in the Hufflepuff common room.

i entered my dorm room to find Sage who was packing her things, something i was also about to do.
"where have you been?" she asked, almost sounding like a concerned mother which made me smile.
"sorry, had to send out a letter"
i pulled out the luggage from underneath my bed and began packing my clothes.
"i'm surprised that you weren't with George"
"i'm surprised you weren't with Fred" i smirked.
she rolled her eyes jokingly.

i turned to look at her, leaning my back against my bed post.
"when are the two of you going to start dating?"
"what?!" her cheeks immediately began to turn pink.
"i'm not stupid, he likes you back" i said.
she shook her head violently. i rolled my eyes, becoming frustrated.
Sage never believed when i told her Fred clearly liked her back, i mean i saw the way he looked at her when she wasn't looking. he loved her laugh and her beautiful... well everything.
i always told her i was going to slap her whenever she denied Fred liking her back.

"i don't think we'll ever end up together" she sounded a bit sad as she leaned down to grab some of her books. leaving the rest of her stack here for the summer.
"are you ridiculous! well if Fred doesn't make a move i'm going to start threatening him" i said, pointing my wand at her.
"i've been practicing" i said, waving my wand around.
"okay don't break anything" she laughed, signaling for me to put the wand away.
i slyly slid it back into my pocket.
"i don't know" she hummed.

she was clearly in denial.
i saw everything between the two. but Sage was so stubborn she would never listen. not even if i kidnapped her and forced her to listen to me. maybe not even if Fred had kissed her, she would probably say something like: 'it was a friendly kiss!'

"you and George seem to be happy" she smiled, grabbing more things and putting them into her luggage.
i smiled as i neatly folded my clothes.
"yeah, we are"

"well... how does it feel?"
"not to be single anymore" she laughed.
"i thought it wouldn't be much different, but... but all i can do now is think about what's George doing? how's George.. yeah i feel.. crazy" i chuckled awkwardly.
"bloody hell someone's in love" Sage said, walking into the bathroom. i laughed.


George and I found the compartment Fred and Sage were sat in. we silently joined them, the both of them immersed in conversation.

George turned to look down at me as i sat next to him.
"so, are you going to be able to last all summer without me?" he asked.
"that's cocky of you" i smiled. he brushed the hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear. i smiled some more, staring into his beautiful eyes.
"but no, i don't think i will" i said, sounding a bit sad now. i truly was going to miss him more than ever now that we were officially dating.
"we can plan something right? my family likes you"
"well i'm glad about that... speaking of family you need to meet mine, my brothers would probably drill into you but you can last"
George had looked a little scared at the thought, i laughed at his facial expression.

"yeah let's.. definitely plan something for us to meet" he said. i smiled and leaned my head onto his shoulder whilst listening to Fred and Sage.
i was seriously going to smack Fred for not saying something to Sage yet, but George repeatedly told me to wait on it, oh i was sure waiting.

as the train passed through the deep forest of Hogwarts and we had gotten to say goodbye to the view, the sun setting and the sky turning a deep blue, stars sprinkled neatly around. i had smiled at my year at Hogwarts, i think it was the best so far, but who knew what was to come.


i didn't want to let go of Georges arm once the train had arrived at the station. but eventually i had to, George grabbed my bags for me, and we all walked out together, Sage hugged all of us and quickly sprinted off in a hurry.
i gave Fred a side hug, he had walked off saying something about not wanting to see our PDA. George and I laughed as he disappeared out of sight.

George grabbed the side of my face gently and bent down, placing a kiss on my lips that sent sparks through my body. i smiled, kissing him back.
he had pulled apart and my lips were lonely once again.
"see you later" he smiled, his hand holding mine.
i wanted to so badly say "i love you." but fear or rejection crept in and it was so new, so fresh, i couldn't ruin this.
"see you later" i repeated, his hand had pulled away from mine and he began walking away.
"wait!" i said, he turned around, i apologized as i pushed past a few people and practically threw myself onto George, he held me tightly as i hugged him even tighter.

i pulled away and looked up, he bent down so i could press a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"bye" i smiled. "bye" he replied, his cheeks pink. he then walked off. i watched as he joined his family, his mum hugging him and showering him with kisses, his face turning red with embarrassment, i smiled then turned around to find my family in the sea of people, my heart already missing him.

1559 words.

i apologize for the lack of chapters in a long while. i've had some writers block and haven't liked my chapters. but here's one that's just a wholesome filler chapter!
i hope it was good :) - Jane

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