chapter 60

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Hallies pov.

that night i'm sat in the bathroom, Mrs Weasley has just finished the stitches on my arm, i wince, looking up at the ceiling. i can't bare to watch what she's doing.
she places a hand on my shoulder.
"you're done now dear" she smiles weakly. i can't imagine what she's going through. her own son, seeing that must be heart wrenching for a mother.
"thank you Mrs. Weasley" i smile as she exits the bathroom.

i clean up the blood from my arm and add a layer of some medicine cream over it, then gently bandage around it with some gauze.
the cut is from dark magic, so it's not an easy fix, it'll heal up, but the scar will never fade.

i exit the bathroom and get spooked by Sage.
"oh.. hey. sorry, you scared me" i laugh, she puts a hand over her heart and chuckles a little bit.
"how's the leg?" i ask. she shows me the back of her calve that's been stitched up by Ginny. i wince, it looks like a pretty jagged cut.
"it still feels horrible, but not as bad as when it first happened." she rubs at her head.
"how's the concussion?" i wince.
"not too bad, Mrs. Weasley says it'll be better by tomorrow"
"so, is she lending you one of her dresses for the wedding tomorrow as well?"
"yeah, Ginny's about to start altering them. do you want to help?"
"later.. i'm going to go check up on George" i smile. she nods and we both part from each others.

i walk up the stairs and to the twins old room.
i softly knock, but no response. so i slide my way into the room. it's dark, but i can find my way through to Georges bed.
there's more boxes crammed in here than the last time i was here, some of them must have been moved off the bed for George to lay down.
i look at the peaceful image of George sleeping.
i sit down and run my hand gently along his hair.
where his ear used to be is bandaged, i feel scared to even touch anywhere near it.
i stare at his delicate face, the moon is shining on half of his face, making him look like a portrait. he looks perfect.

tears prick at my eyes. i thought for sure i was going to loose him tonight. and he's been through so much emotionally and physically tonight. i just feel horrible.
he stirs a little bit and his eyes open, the moon shining over them.
"you know i've been awake.." he says softly. his voice raspy. i smile a little.
"how are you feeling?" i run my hand along the side of his face.
he hums.
"like hell... i'll be okay." he assures. i smile at him.
"i know.." i lean over and place a light kiss on his forehead.

he points at my arm.
"how is it?"
i grab my sleeve and wince as i pull it up, showing him the bandage that already has blood seeping into it.
"it's.. definitely going to scar" i laugh a little.
"hey.." he says, placing his fingers underneath my chin.
"you okay?" he asks me. i bite at the inside of my cheek, tears slowly creep their way up. i should be the one asking him that question.
"come here.." he says, pulling me close. i lay down next to him, i keep acting like he's a fragile porcelain doll that'll break if i get to close. but he pulls me close to him and i stare into his eyes as he continuously strokes my hair behind my ear.
"i thought i was going to loose you today.. I was so scared... i'm just so glad you're okay.."
i glance at his bandages.
"mostly.." i finish. he frowns a little bit and stops stroking my hair.

"sweetheart.." he says tenderly. goosebumps race on my skin at the name. "i'm okay..." he says firmly.
"i know.. i know. I'm just still a little shaken up" i sigh. he gives me a gentle kiss on the lips, and i feel butterflies in my stomach like we haven't been together for years. it's nice to still have that feeling.
"when all of this is over.." i say quietly. he hums with understanding.

"can we live in a beautiful house, up on a mountain... where in the spring the fields are covered in tulips, but in the winter the ground is covered in inches and inches of snow...." i look into his warm eyes, a smile stretched across his face as he listens to me.
"and we sit on the porch like an old married couple, but we're really young and full of life and happiness as we watch our kids play around in the grass..." my cheeks flush when i've realized all i've said. internally i facepalm. i haven't really thought much about marriage.
"i— i mean.. if you— you know want to marry me" i laugh awkwardly. George sits up a little and looks down at me with furrowed brows. i become a little scared at his expression.
"Hallie." he says. did i say something wrong?
"...of course i want to marry you." he says. a smile pulls on my lips. i feel like my stomach is doing a dozen backflips.
"was it not obvious" he smiles, laying back down.
i laugh into his chest and he kisses the top of my head, caressing my hair with his hand.


that morning i'm awaken early by Ginny, she wants me to try on the dress with all of her alterations added. so i do.
the dress is a pale pink. the collar line is a
V-neck and it has a lacy pattern all over it. overall, it's absolutely beautiful.

"morning.." i hear Georges voice. i enter the kitchen to find him standing by the sink, his toothbrush sticking out his ear as he sips on a cup of tea. it feels awkward in here when i turn the corner and see Harry and Ginny stood just an inch away from each others faces. they both back away slowly as George stares menacingly at Harry. when he exits the room i stifle a laugh.

i walk over to George and wrap my arms around his torso, i look up at him and smile, my chin pressed against his warm chest.
"you just had to ruin their little moment?" i hum. he smiles down at me.
"gotta let him know who's in charge.." George jokes.
"yeah, yeah" i say and hike up onto my toes, George leans over and kisses my lips. he tastes just like minty toothpaste and a mix of herbal tea.
we pull away from the kiss and he looks at me.
"you look lovely" he smiles and takes my hand, spinning me around he watches the dress fly a little bit.
"it's your mums dress" i say.
"yeah." i flatten it with my hands a little.
"well it's nice on you" he smiles.
"Hallie!" i hear from the other room.
"oh, that's my cue to get my hair done" i smile. George kisses me one last time and let's me scurry off into the other room.

1218 words.


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