chapter 44

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year 6.

Hallies pov.

"aren't you just a little bit excited for this whole 'Dumbledores Army' plan?" George asked me as we sat on his bed doing homework.
"i'm more anxious than excited" i tapped my quill against the edge of my paper repeatedly. i looked up and out the snowy window at the dark sky.
we had a good group of people involved, but i wasn't one hundred percent sure that this would even work. yes, Umbridge was annoying as hell and i was fed up. but how could a group of teenagers join together to change something?

i could feel Georges eyes on me.
there was never a moment that passed by where he wasn't slightly worried for me. i understood it, i wasn't acting like i usually would, i wasn't partaking in things, i spent most of my time in my room, especially in my bed. but could you really blame me? i lost one of my closest friends.

sometimes i thought about sending him a letter then realizing he wasn't here, he wouldn't get the chance to reply to that letter.
i couldn't help but think about our happy memories, like the time i danced with him at the Yule Ball and he was the one who encouraged me to talk to George.
i bit on my lip and looked back down at my homework.


i was woken up abruptly the next morning by Professor Sprout who was urging me to pack my bags. i was confused but she wouldn't tell me the reason. i had wished i could bring Sage with me but Professor Sprout was urgent, she said she would inform Sage when it was time. i quickly packed my bags and Professor Sprout brought me into the mostly empty Great Hall.

my brothers were also in the Great Hall, they were stood together talking.
i sat down at one of the tables, my heart was pounding. i didn't like this. not one bit. i felt like i was going to be sick.

"Mrs. Gold.." Professor Sprout spoke, i looked up to see my parents, my brothers looking at them with concern because they looked pale like two ghosts standing there. the only part they were missing was the translucency.
in that moment i knew something wasn't right. why would my parents be at my school?
i stood up and looked between both of their faces, this wasn't good... not at all, i could feel it.

"mum?" i asked, my throat began to feel scratchy. i didn't know why i felt like crying, but the blotchy face of my mum and the saddened eyes of my father told me this was terrible news.
my breathing hitched, my heart pounding so hard i thought i was going to break free from the cage of my chest.
"darling..." my dad began, tears falling down his cheeks.
"it's your sister.." my mums voice broke, sobs exited her mouth and my dad held her close. i stared at them. my sister? what about my sister.

"what" i spoke and turned to look at my brothers, it seemed they understood because i could see tears well in their eyes, they looked so broken.
"we're so sorry. Hallie, Serenity shes passed away." my dad spoke, his voice breaking.
i swallowed the pain in my throat, my stomach churning, i felt like vomiting.
i stood there frozen, my mum came over to me and hugged me, sobbing into my shoulder.
i didn't understand, how?
"no.." i mumbled into my mothers hair, her body racked as she continued to sob.
"Hallie.." she spoke but tears got in the way of her trying.

my heart was pounding in my ears now, everything sounded far away. i felt like i was no longer in my body. time was in slow motion as i watched my brothers fall into my fathers arms as they hugged. i felt tears slip down my cheeks but i wasn't fully aware. surely i wasn't hearing what i just heard. this was all a dream and i would wake up and know that only Cedric was dead, and deal with it by sending my sister a letter, complaining about the sadness i felt, the breaking of my heart, she would tell me she loves me and it would be that.

i didn't know it but now i was sobbing into my mums shoulder just as she was into mine. she hugged me back as tightly as she could, not wanting to ever let me go.
i felt like someone had just pulled my heart from my chest. or like i was disapparating and a large chunk of me was left behind.

i didn't understand. just a few days ago i had sent Serenity a letter and she replied.
i wanted to ask how it happened, but that would make it real, i didn't want this to be real. not at all. not one bit.
i wanted to wake up in my bed, i wanted Sage to console me and tell me it was all just a horrible dream.
i didn't want to let go of my mum, until i had to and we were walking out of the school and all shuffling into a carriage to carry us to the train.
my head was pounding, tears still streaming down my face as i leaned my head onto my dads shoulder, he held me close to his chest. i the pain, the aching i felt. it didn't feel right. none of this felt right.


i sat at my desk and stared at the letter that George had sent me. it was late at night and i stared at the written words on the parchment.

Dear Hallie,
i'm so, so sincerely sorry about Serenity. i knew she loved you so much. i wish there was something we could do. Mums worried about you as well. the DA is up to plan, however, i can't speak to much about it because there is a rumor Umbridge may begin to look through our letters and packages. let's hope not.
Sage is worried for you. i'm sure you know how many letters she's sent. you don't have to reply but know i care and hope that you're doing well. at least, as well as you can be right now.
-George <3

i put down the letter, a small smile pulled at my lips at his letter.
i looked out the open window, snow was falling down and my room was ice cold.
i got up and opened my bedroom door quietly. i walked down the hall and stood at the closed door of my sisters old bedroom when she had lived here.

my sister had died working for the Ministry.
a killing curse. it seemed like no one at the Ministry seemed to care to much. it was just work to them, she died doing work and that was that. it was final.

i opened her bedroom door, there was nothing besides boxes of stuff that was moved from her apartment back here, and her bed which had no sheets on it. it's like there was none of her personality in here anymore. it felt even more lonely knowing she wouldn't even be back in this room.
the curtains were opened, revealing the dark and cloudy sky.
i didn't know if i could take another step into the room. i breathed in a shaky breath, walked to the boxes of stuff and ran my fingers along the labeling.
some of it was work papers, some of it was random things.

i opened one of the boxes. revealing letters from me, addressed to her and many more letters underneath. tears began to cloud my vision as i went to open another box, it was her duvet. i grabbed it and wrapped it around myself, i let myself fall onto her bed and curl up, i could smell her and it almost felt like one of her warm hugs, but she wasn't there.
i let myself sob there until i had no more tears to shed and my head was pounding and i had fallen asleep.

1361 words.


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