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I lock my car rushing inside the grocery store picking up the basket place near the counter rushing towards the fruit section .

" Let me see what I want, grapes.. tick, banaana .. tick.. Pineapple.. tick, strawberries... no he hates strawberry.. So cancel, blueberries?? last time when I got them he said it tasted like rotten grapes so no blueberries, apple.. yaa he loves apple, and what else do I need oh yaa milk. "

I brisk walked towards the milk aile taking a carton of almond milk and full fat cows milk and some butter. I pulled my phone out of my track pants fishing for the list in my phone checking if everything is secured in the basket before the check out when I saw his name popping up on the screen I rolled my eyes letting the phone ring for about five rings and then received the call knowing how much he hates that I don't take his calls on time.

" Hello "

" What took you so long to take my damm call shehnaaz??!!

He shrieks into my ears making me push my phone away from my ears listening to his voice, geezzz what got into his pants early morning.

" Are you listing to me?? Hello "

" Well good morning to you too boss, it looks like your having a pretty shitty morning today "

" Don't.. just don't, where are you?? Why isn't my breakfast ready yet!! "

"Sidharth you yelling at me wouldn't make the breakfast appear right in front of you , hava some patience will you "

" Patience?? You are talking about patience?? Shehnaaz I need to be at shoot in five minutes!! And my assistant isn't here at?? , nor my breakfast "

" First off all your shoot is at 11:30 am and right now it's just 8:00 in the morning, second I'm here at the grocery store to get grocery for you this concludes that I'm out here fetching some damm food for you , third and final yes I'm the one who is talking about patience over her because I'm not the one who is yelling like mad man in the early morning "

" Don't argue with me now, I want you at my house in 10 minutes. If I don't find you right in front of me in 10 minutes I will?? "

" You will?? "

" Make you do my laundry "

" Wtf !! you can't do that I'm your assistant not your maid hello.. hello are you listening sidharth sidharth "

Did he just hung up on me?? This bloody moron, I'm going to kill him.

I placed the grocery bags on the kitchen counter looking around the house to find a huge mess, I gape seeing the white couch stained red. Did he just had his period?? Like what the hell is that, omg and the carpet, it's covered with crumbled pieces of Chip's and plastic bags. The tv is still on having played on volume sixty like this idiot and , the cushions don't even get me started on that one. It has tiny drops of red liquid with some brown stains on it. I'm damm sure now that he has finally reached his puberty . I was looking around and examine the mess when I heard heavy steps walking towards me .

I look up to find sidharth standing holding his protein shake in his hand looking at the mess with a freaking smirk formed on his face.

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