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I and my so called annoying stupid assistant aka shehnaaz kaur gill sat at the dinning table, she chose to sit in front of me next to my mom talking to her something about jewels and tv serials. Women I say!!  As soon as the dinner was served  everyone proceded to have there dinner when my mom broke the silence.

" Sidharth how is  you're work going on?? And how are you? "

" I'm good mom, the work is just a bit hectic it's nothing I couldn't handle "

" I saw your new movie let me tell you honey you looked lovely on screen I couldn't just stop myself from calling my friends and speak about it "

I just noded having my food , where  shehnaaz was busy devouring her meal not even listing to what's happening around her, let me tell you this girl and her food are like vikram and vethal  nobody can seperate them from each other.

" Sidharth your sister preeti is coming back to India "

" Ok, that's a good thing when is she coming back dad? "

" This weekend, she said she is hosting a party on Saturday so I expect you two to be here and naaz"

Called my dad looking at shehnaaz who decided to pay attention to my dad this time instead of the food.

" Yes uncle "

" You're parents are also coming , I hope to see you here as my daughter not as my son's assistant "

Shehnaaz just smiled at my dad who too grinned at her getting back into there meal, see this is what I hate about her, being the perfect woman. Like everyone likes her my parents, my siblings , my friends and this the exact reason why I broke my friendship with her . She is way too perfect which I don't like, she is sensible which I'm a bit aghast about because shehnaaz was never sensible or mature through out her school life she has been complet stupid but now everything has changed she isn't the little shehnaaz who I knew when I was kid. Now she is a woman, a sensible, mature, witty and poise.
" Yaa just don't say her that I think she is poise and blunt where she doesn't give a shit about people what they think or feel about her she just listen through her one ear and let it go through another "

I walked inside my house after a three hour's work out, I find shehnaaz in the kitchen making breakfast for me wearing a weird hello kitty appron who wears  that?? A four year old, like really. She had placed my protein shake and a bowl of fresh fruits on the counter.

" Here is your protein shake and fruits, I'm making poha as per the meal chart and your espresso will be done in five minutes why don't you get changed I will tell you about your day "

" I don't want poha, make me some pancakes and eggs "

" But it's monday as per the chart, you were the one who asked me to make poha on Monday's !! "

" I changed my mind I want pancakes with extra syrup and berries "

" Sidharth you don't like berries just eat what I have made and tomorrow let me know what you wish to have and I will make it "

" No, I want pancakes , I will be right back and I hope to see my breakfast ready "

Saying so I got inside my room I heard her yelling .

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