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Everyone moved outside the venue for the celebrations I and shehnaaz  stood next to each other near the seats she turns around facing me with a questioning gaze.

" Why did you get me two rings?? "

She asked looking at me and than around to find no one except us, I held her hand in mine and looked at the ring on her finger, it was a silver band with two diamonds one was a small oval next to the bigger oval diamond. I had selected this because it was the only simple one , which she likes  though she never asked for a diamond but I wanted to get something best for both of us.

" The proposal ring was just per you're request of wanting a proposal and this is the engagement ring "

" Why would you do that?? "

" You had once mentioned to me that you wanted an unexpected proposal but the ring you get for the proposal should be completely different as it would be considered special to you in every aspect than the actual wedding ring "

" That was from the guy I would love "

" Well you didn't find the hero of you're dream in this life so embrace the villan gladly then "

She shook her head listening to me, I was just looking at how pretty shehnaaz looked, yes neetu was right shehnaaz does have a great sense of fashion though she chose a simple saree which wouldn't be much liked by any bride but she knew how to work things up and know how to carry it out, she just looked like an eternal beauty from the heavens and the outfit she chose for me, shehnaaz knew what she was up to with the combination everyone has been complementing me from the time I have got here even my friends.

" Sidharth I was thinking about , how I have quite the job?? And I thought of joining to work later on "

" Have you found any yet?? "

" Baba wanted me to join the family business "

" Do you want too?? "

I asked knowing well that shehnaaz was never into a family business like me, she was always looking for something which made her happy. Being an assistant to miss malhotra was just her part time job turning into my assistant became her full time work she could never truly do  what she actually desired  of doing . Shehnaaz is into photography she wanted to be a travel blogger, she likes exploring things and loves adventure but couldn't do much of it .

" Not yet I'm still looking for better options which would cross my way and I will choose the right one "

" You already have the option of being my assistant accept it "

" Kutta!!"

I spoke to some of the guests for a while , I constantly had my gaze on shehnaaz just to know she was around me, she was talking with karan and ranbir. She always spoke to karan out of all my friends because the others would bully her along with me, when we were at school  I never liked involving them in between me and her but  they would always stick there butts  in annoying her which I hated but I couldn't do anything because if I would have supported her she would have taken this in a wrong way. I wasn't angry or upset that shehnaaz never liked my friends as I knew they don't deserve to be even around a person like shehnaaz so I never questioned her liking towards anyone of them.

Ranbir had  got his hand on her shoulder while talking to karan, which I  wanted  to slap it away, why ?? Because " I hate him and I don't like the idea of my fiance sticking to the guy who I hate " ,  shehnaaz looked at me and saw me staring at ranbir's hand on her shoulder she moved away knowing pretty well that I wouldn't mind punching the crap out of ranbir right now. She excused herself away from them moving in to the venue, I followed behind her to find her seating on the love seat eating some cupcakes , taking the bite of her cupcake which made her scowl I sat next to her.

" Why would you call ranbir knowing I hate him!! "

" Sidharth grown up that was just back in school now we need to forget everything and move on in life "

" I don't like moving on from the boy who punched me unless I don't punch him back "

I said staring the ground , she placed her hand on my chin making me face her she took the tissue out wiping my mouth showing the cream on my lips , while I just looked into her eyes. Someone coughed which got our attention it was karan and our friends standing looking at us I looked at him to explain what was happening .

" Aww aren't you guys so cute!!! "

" Is he ok?? "

Said shehnaaz whispering  looking at him and then me, I shook my head negatively because  karan has lost his mind. He looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes, I just sat there blankly.

"  sidharth give her a kiss "

What the hell !!!! Soon everyone cheered approving his weird request  , shehnaaz sat there astonished just looking at the people around us.

" Don't be a baby sidharth,  it's just a kiss it's not like you guy's haven't kissed before "

Yes!! I'm being a baby  because guess what we haven't even hugged each other and you guys are talking about kissing like God, shehnaaz will kill me if I even touch her now but to my surprise she turned towards me looking into my eyes and says something I never expected her to say.

" Sidharth we have already gotten engaged it's just a kiss get over with it"

She says with a straight face, what is wrong with her?? I'm pretty sure she going to regret this and torture me for the rest of my eternity, I sat skeptical  not knowing what to do when shehnaaz placed her hand on my cheek grabbing my face gently in her palms placing a kiss over my mouth and move back letting me sit in a complete shock. " Did shehnaaz kaur gill just kiss me ?? Did she just kiss me?? front of our friends?? " I was pulled out of my thoughts when everyone strated cheering, karan winked at me. Shehnaaz got up to get herself a drink followed by shifali behind her.

" Why would you say something like that you pig "

I whispered yell at karan who laughed keeping his hand over  my shoulder I move it off  facing him.

" I never knew she would pull the move first !!!! Let me tell you she is something else "

Of course she is , She isn't like the other girls that's the actually reason why I said yes for this wedding. I got myself a drink setting next to shehnaaz who wipped the corner of my mouth.

" What are you doing?? "

" Wipping the lip stain off you're lips "

" Don't!! "

" Why??"

" You are also erasing the kiss "

" Than let me wipe it with some detergent too than "

She says picking the tissue up dipping it into the water and moved to wip my mouth I moved back not letting her touch my face she huffed extending herself over my direction almost knocking herself off the seat I had to hold her in a place so she wouldn't fall placing my hands on the side of the bar counter and on her back while she wiped my face.

" You are really stubborn aren't you ?"

" Not as much as you "

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