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The make up artist completed my look applying lipstick on  my lips keeping the look natural yet bridal, she fixed my saree pallu as I got up looking into myself in the full body mirror. I wore heels to give few inches to my 5'5 hight making me look tall as 5'7 , my hair was pined back but I had left it down in soft wavy curls nothing too much. You could see the bridal glow on me, I walked down the stairs to meet my family. The first person I came across was baba who had moist eyes , I gulped a huge lump feeling emotional my mom hugged me kissing the crow of my head and viraj cupped my face in his palm trying to say things which cannot be expressed.

We reached the venue, which was covered by the paparazzi, the bodyguards appointed by my dad and sidharth blocked them letting us in. I walked in to find the decorations as per sidharth and my instructions which were simple pastel theme, it was completely supervised by neetu who is a event planner. People had already arrived, they weren't much of guest it was just some of our family friends, family members, people from sidharth work, his friends and mine.  Shifali took me into a bone crushing hug and gushed over my look, I was just happy that I could have my best friend here.

Rita aunty welcomed me and my family along with there family, she kissed the crown of my head like my mother squeezing me into a hug, neetu and preeti were happy with there picks, and ashok uncle looked at me like how baba did when I got down the stairs " Why are these people making me feel all emotional ", speaking of men sidharth walked down the staring wearing the black sherwani chosen by me he scowled looking at me and walked straight at my direction ignoring people's calls.

" I thought you are also wearing black ?? Why did you let me wear this?? "

" Sidharth black compliments white the best so I chose this, you didn't like it?? "

I asked feeling a bit disappointed because I thought he would like it, I knew he would look amazing like black make's him like hot but why isn't he liking it. He looked at me and shook his head smiling.

" No baba, I just wanted to match you. I really liked the Sherwani I'm happy that you know my choice don't be upset "

He said gently squeezing my shoulder,  sidharth moved his gaze over me and nodded in approving manner and a small smirk.

" You look hot , in the saree motti "

"Is it a complement or insult?? And I'm not motti anymore see I have abs "

I said firmly, I don't look like a gym girl but hey I do go to gym and I have an amazing body, he holds my hand guiding towards the crowd of people and we greeted the guest as the good host we are, at least we are good at pretending.

My friends dragged me into the corner of the room where my entire gang was waiting for me , I took everyone into a group hug happily. Akshay took out the whiskey bottle from the back and poured some drink into the cup passing to me mouthing  "you need this " , I didn't reject the drink, drinking it in a go as I needed it the most right now my friends cheere catching the people's attention in the room I brushed it off taking another shot , the liquid burning  my throat  but eased the stress built up in me I grabbed the bottle this time to pour myself a drink when a hand grabbed the bottle which belongs to sidharth who had a stren and challenging gaze which said don't, I rolled my eyes taking a final gulp of the drinking from the bottle passing it to akshay, I turned towards sidharth.

" Let's get over with this "

He shook his head holding my hand and taking me up towards the room I looked around finding people busy gossiping or lost in themselves my friends waved at me and winked  "Such loser's ", I thought following sidharth who got me inside the room locking the door.

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