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" When did I get my first tattoo?? "

We were at the vogue newly weds game though we weren't married yet but the vogue wanted to interview us and here we are. I and sidharth decided to match today  wearing beige outfits selected by his stylist.

" A rose over your arm "

And he was right again though the game has started few minutes back and we have gone through three questions sidharth hasn't got one wrong yet.

" Where did we go for our first date??"

He asked looking at card reading out the question I scribbled the answer on a white board with a marker and showed it to sidharth and the camera , he said it was right continuing the game for few minutes. We even shot for the cover page of the vogue magazine we had to be next to each other through out showing everyone how much in love we are with each other , I was sitting on sidharth lap texting nitin ji discussing over the progress report of the company looking at sidharth finding him looking at the photos which we shoot today he looked just so good that i couldn't take my eyes off him at all .

I, my mother , rita aunty , neetu and preethi were selecting the outfits for the wedding the dates were chosen for next month first week I and sidharth spoke about not having anything extravagant just with family and friends around. I picked outfits for sidharth too and he demanded for us matching together to keep up with the wedding trend.

Keeping the bags inside the closest I decided to check on charlie who was playing with the chew toy bought by me and sidharth, he wasn't home yet it was 10:30 pm he said he wasn't going to be home early I made some dinner for us thinking of having it with him . I held Charlie in my hands who was quick enough to leave me and run making me run behind him through out the house " Damm now I get it how it's like having kids around I'm having running race competition with Charlie who is winning " , I saw sidharth catching him in the mid way of me holding him Charlie was quick enough to recognize his father licking his hand.

" Give me my son back sidharth "

" You're son ?? are you mad it's just a dog he isn't going to be our son , I'm not a father to a fucking animal "

" Stop being a typical dad who says no to dogs and like them later "

I said rolling my eyes at him to see him throwing the dog away, literally throwing it away not in a harmful manner but just dropping it down.

We ate our dinner after he was changed I began annoying him with silly and illogical questions which he listened and answers without losing his calm or actually trying to kill me by the amounts of doubts I ask him.

I was woken up by a barking Charlie looking around the room i find it dark as usual but it was pouring outside like cats and dogs seeing the clock which slowed 6 am I rolled back into the blanket sleeping next to sidharth who cuddled me and Charlie back to sleep. We woke up at 8am "well I did ", sidharth slept in with Charlie I watered my plants which were got by sidharth as welcoming gift to his house which I insisted on getting me , making some chole bhatura I decided to wake him up because we had to talk with our family regarding wedding arrangements. I get inside the room to find sidharth holding Charlie in his arms showing him things around in the room.

" Well I thought someone hated Charlie?? "

" I still do, I'm just showing him not chewww my stuffs "

Saying so he let Charlie go, I picked his outfit out ready for him to wear and took Charlie for a walk . I stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection wearing my earrings sidharth walked in setting his hair looking at me smirking I scowl as I see we were matching like any other day he shook his head near me letting the water drip over me making me pinch my nose.

" Sidharth I just got dressed move away "

I said turning around I look at his hand which were pushing the hair out of his face to find it wrapped with my hair-tie. He watched me as I stare at the hair-tie on his wrist which he was quick enough to hiding it.

" Give my hair- tie back sidharth, I don't have anymore hair-tie to put my hair in "

" No I'm not giving you "

" You can't take my stuff "

" Well you wear my clothes I don't say anything "

He says, well he is right I always wear sidharth shirts or his shorts in the house though it's lose all the time  when I'm in the house or out. We got into the restaurant finding our mother's and his sister's. Waiting for us. My mother hugged me whispering she was sorry for whatever happened I just ignored the issue and said her will talk about it later.

" So what kind off a theme do you guys want for the wedding "

" Something that wouldn't be extravagant "

Says sidharth before I could answer , I looked at preeti who showed me couple of thems which she thinks would look good I rejected everything as there were too much but our mother's weren't having any of it and selected it for us. I felt sidharth staring at me I look at him who was still looking at me he wasn't effected that I was looking at him so he continues staring at me the whole time.

" Is there something on my face?? Or you can't fathom the fact that I'm prettiest one out here "

I said as we got into the car, he was silent indulged in driving.

" Well you are pretty, the beautiful one out there and I can't take my eyes of you. What are you doing to me shehnaaz?? "

" You are the one who is getting attracted to me sidharth?? You need to tell me what are you up to?? "

" The only thing I'm up to is hooking up with you "

" That's all?? "

" I don't like hitting around  the bushes  I'm getting straight to the point that I'm attracted to you and I know so are you since we were friends "

" You were the one who was possessive over me for having other guys talking to you can't say I was the only one who was attracted to you"

" I did like you let me clear that out now I'm just attracted to you "

" Well we can't just hook up or start pretending that we love each other unless you don't actually love me and I love you back "

" I'm not sure about love...."

" Neither am I, I wouldn't let you have me as you're own if you don't love me"

" Having you in my life forever is through loving you truly?? I'm willing to try Or do anything "

" Having you in my life forever is through loving you truly?? I'm willing to try Or do anything "

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