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I walk across the theme park looking at every corner of the park, speaking to the heads of the park devision  and almost every employees trying to get any kind of change required to the theme park, the major issues is employees are not having any kind of trust funds for health and some major changes in the rides of the park asking Mr patel writting down the issues , I got back to my office having a hectic sunny day at the theme park. I had called sidharth checking over him and his work knowing well that sidharth doesn't have an assistant yet he needs someone to check over him and his work as he is used to being  taken care  off , he said his shoulder was paining he didn't mention what exactly caused the pain but he did say he was fine and could bare the pain.

I had asked aryan the accountent of our business to get me the files of the previous years accounts having an issue with the accounts I had asked ashok uncle to help me out, going through the accounts file I found a major amount of money has been extorted  from it checking to the transaction process I find multiple debits has take place through viraj number, " As per the company rules the money shouldn't be used through the company account " , I rectified the file all over again asking aryan again about viraj using the money from the company to only turn out that he never swiped or payed any lump sum amount through the company account. " The fact that it isn't him who could it be, though my mind is apparently yelling kajal is the culprit but I can't put the blame on her until I get a solid proof ". Thinking so I decided to seek sidharth help regarding the matter.

I walk into a shirt less sidharth having his grey shorts on talking to someone on the phone, I checked him out head to toe he had an amazing well built chest , chiseled abs which are more than six I wanted to run my fingers over it . He just knows how to win a woman's heart by wearing anything grey. I heard him hanging up so I immediately look up to find him smirking I looked away as I got caught for staring at him, I prace towards him as I could feel his burning gaze, looking anywhere but him as I walk looking down at the ground I hit a 6foot four inch wall aka sidharth rubbing my nose as it hurt I look into his eyes which had mischievous glint in them.

" Sidharth what are you doing?? "

I ask stuttering as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me extremely close to him even the air couldn't with pass us I placed my hand over his chest looking at him shocked as he traces my face with the tip of his nose, I just closed my eyes feeling his hot breath over every inch of my face he stops rubbing our nose together  which made me open my eyes to see a twinkling eyes and a charming smile across his face which made me melt like an ice.

" Shehnaaz are you hot?? Why is you're face all red "

" Yes I'm feeling  hot "

" But the air conditioning is on baba, are you sure that you're feeling hot??"

" Yaa I'm fine can you put a shirt on "

" But I'm feeling really hot so I'm ditching the shirt "

He says smirking at me I glare at him biting his cheek hard as he had his forehead resting mine he wince moving away from me rubbing his cheek I stomp his face getting inside the bathroom to fresh up and yelled at him for wearing a shirt on before I'm out.

" So according to you kajal has used the money from the company's account "

" I think so I don't have a solid proof "

I said resting my head over my hand sitting opposite to him on the couch as he was busy watching the cricket match, I knew putting the blame on her is wrong if she hasn't done anything but I can't change the fact that kajal wears or uses expensive stuff though she could have earned by her own which can't be totally possible as she doesn't have an appropriate job to buy stuff like an 2 lakh bag, I did have a thought of my brother buying it for her but my brother isn't big on giving gifts to anyone as he feels giving love through material things aren't his thing.

" What are you thinking off?? "

" I have asked aryan to get  further information regarding this whole money extortion issue till than I'm keeping it low  not even telling it to mummy ji "

" Shehnaaz I believe you, I know whatever you do wouldn't harm anyone "

He says with a serious tone taking me Off- guard did he just say he believe me but why , I'm nothing to him and as per our past relationship how can he believe me.

" Sidharth how can you believe me?? You don't even know me that....... "

" I have known you from the day I chose you to be my friend though we had a break out in between I still can conclude that you wouldn't do something that would hurt me or anyone on purpose and I believe you "

" But you don't trust me?? I get it takes time but I'm happy that you believe in me "

" Do you trust me?? "

He asks this time looking deep into my eyes as he is trying to get into my soul to find the answer which I don't have to be honest as from whatever has been done in the past and what I have gone through trusting people is a difficult thing for me , sidharth just smiles knowing the answer as I didn't replie did he look sad??  Yes he did. Did I hurt him??? Yes  , could I fix it??  I don't have the answer for that but the thought of seeing sidharth sad breaks my heart into infinity pieces so I did what I felt right though I can't give the answer for his question for now but I'm sure in the future I would give the answer he deserves. Moving towards him I strangle him sitting on his lap placing my legs around him I gently held his face in my hands he looks at me puzzled I just rub my thumbs  over his stubble kissing him he sat numb by my action but he was quick enough to return the kiss back sending chill all over my body.

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