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I watch shehnaaz as she placed her pillows on the couch getting ready to sleep , well as per her word's she had to be sleeping in another room away from me but my lovely wife is scared of dark and sleeping alone isn't her thing so she changed her mind and decided to sleep on the couch in my room. We were still at our parents house as per my mother's wish, she covered herself with the blanket I watch her till the sleep consuming me but I was scared to close my eyes thinking she will disappear again.

I was woken up by a barking Charlie  and giggling shehnaaz, I smiled looking at shehnaaz who was tieing Charlie's fur into a ponytail, she looks just stunning having a white robe around her fresh out of shower, she turns around catching me gawking at her shamelessly I smirk at her getting off the bed moving towards her she takes a step back as I approach her.

" Sidharth did you forget about the rules "

" What rules baby?? "

" 6 feet apart remem..... "

I didn't let her finish her words as I trap her between my arms  blocking her way, I saw her gulping as I move my face towards her , her eyes gaze my eyes and my lips fighting with herself I growl lowly when she bites her lower lip .

" Don't do that baby!! "

" Do what?? "

She says stuttering breathing heavily, I grab hold the back of her neck making her flinch a little I smirk when she relaxes under my hold , I pull her closer to me impossible enough to separate us .

" What do you want shehnaaz?? "

I ask nuzzling my nose on the crook of her neck, she shuddered feeling my hot breath over her and grabbed my arms digging her nails in them I move back to have a look at her, she had her eyes close biting her lips breathing heavily.

" Tell me what you need baby, I will give you whatever you desire!! "

I say kissing her neck making her moan as I bite her, she holds me tight while I lick her neck sucking on the water dripping down her body.

" What do you want shehnaaz?? "

" You.... I want you sidharth , I want you "

She says with uneven breath I smirk looking at her grabbing her chin letting go of her neck kissing her, she kissed me back immediately running her finger's on my back tugging my hair I groan kissing her deeply exploring her mouth swiping my tongue deep into her. Grabbing her by her waist I carry her up wrapping her legs around my torso kissing her hungrily pushing her against the wall she gasps as I tore the robe apart devouring her neck, she holds me tight as I bite every part of her body making her weak and wanting for more, she held my face in her palms pulling me up for a kiss I kiss her back making sure I bite her lips hard drawing some blood out of them. I move back breathing heavily dropping her down but I still held her in my arms, her lips were swollen red breathing heavily I kiss her again deeply.

" Still want to stay away from me and follow those ridiculous rules?? "

I ask joining my forehead against her she shook her head.

" I want words baby "

" I want you sidharth "

I smirk listening to her carrying her back to the bed dropping her down on the soft mattress.

" Hold on tight baby I'm not letting you go, not after letting me stay away from you for two days "

Shehnaaz giggled as I kiss her neck, she says she feels ticklish when I kiss her near her neck but it isn't  going to stop me from kissing my wife.

" So sidharth how was it like  without having me around you?? "

" Terrible, horrific , tragic and most importantly I felt like dying "

" I'm sorry jaan, I didn't know what to do ?? I thought going away for the moment was the right decision  "

" You didn't listen to what I was trying to say and why did you yell at me when you found out the truth "

" Sidharth can I ask you something?? "

" Yes you can ask me whatever you want?? "

" Would you be ok to have me back knowing I kissed someone else knowing or unknowingly "

" Yes but I would have need time, away from you and I had  to think about it "

" Exactly I knew you weren't at fault but seeing you kissing someone just wrecked me from inside and I need some time away from you but I knew at the end I would be coming back to you no matter what "

" But that's wrong "

" I'm too much of a coward sidharth, how much ever you push me away from you endless number of times you will still find me next to you "

" I know and so do I, I love you shehnaaz kaur gill from the day I knew you were my friend though I acted like a complete asshole in the beginning but now I know your worth and more over I love you so much that I would be a fool to let you go "

" And Mr shukla I promise I would always listen to you and wouldn't be a bitch and love you endless till my last breath "

" So are you done with crying or were you just missing your wife "

Said my mom as she passes me a bowl full of fruits making fun of me, I whined stabbing the watermelon with the fork putting the fruit in my mouth as I watch my wife playing badminton with my sisters.

" She looks happy than before doesn't she, so you said it finally "

" Said what?? Maa what are you talking about?? "

I say taking my eyes off my wife looking at my mother who was still looking at the women's playing with a smile crept on her face.

" You love her don't you?"

" What type of a question is this?? Of course I fucking love her "

"Than I'm happy for you and mostly proud of my choice "

My mother says laughing tapping my arms, " Well she isn't wrong about it, I'm also proud of her choice " , I thought looking at shehnaaz, placing the bowl on the table I joined the match hugging my wife from the back kissing her neck  I whisper into her ears.

" I love you baby "

" I love you too jaan "

Teaming against my sister's , shehnaaz giggles kissing my cheeks as I hit the ball making preeti groan, she hugs me  laughing along with me as we watch them trying to snatch the ball away from Charlie and I feel  content that I finally have a happy family .

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