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Shehnaaz came back in and sat next to me drinking some water , I look up to find gaurav khurana and his sister  walking in. He stops in front of our table and shehnaaz instantly stood up and gave him a hug. This woman!! why would she hug him , he is just so pathetic and disgusting.  He looked at me and  moved to hug me too while I just forwarded my hand for a shake.

" Hello bro how are you?? Haven't seen you in a while?? "

" Well some people have job's to work and places to visit "

I said taking a sip from my drink , I heard shehnaaz chuckle but covered it up by coughing, she passed a warning gaze while I just raised my eye brow at her. She shook her head annoyed, when gaurav spoke again.

" Shehnaaz i would like to take you on a date.... "

Gaurav spoke up shooting daggers at me while shehnaaz waved her hand stopping him and said.

" Well about that gaurav I'm not read for it, I mean I'm getting married but not with you "

She says blankly with no expression , gaurav looked a bit taken back by her answer which made me smirk "now take that you fucker!!!"  I thought internally.

" Than who is the lucky man than?? Do I know him?? "

" Well he is sitting right in front of you"

I said smugly he looks at me and than at shehnaaz and began to laugh hysterically , I look up at shehnaaz who wanted to smack gaurav right across his face. This gesture by him got the attention of the people around us especially our parent's who looked way more invested in our drama  than there poker game.

" What's funny about it?? "

Said shehnaaz stopping him with gritting teeth, viraj got up holding her hand knowing pretty well she would attack gaurav any moment I knew what is shehnaaz capable of and I'm not going to lie I'm enjoying this I want her to hit him black and blue because he fucking deserved for being the jerk he is because lot off people think he is a golden boy but naah!! He is just another sexiest and filthy rich brat with no ambition in life.

" No !! It's just that I thought you could do better than him?? "

" Did it bruse you're little ego that I rejected you!!! Little gaurav!! Why don't you take that nasty and musty ass of yours to someone who is into a shit face like you "

" You?? B... "

" Well if I was you ?? I would have chosen to leave but you deserve this. "

Saying so she slapped gaurav hard , I stood up looking at this. Well I knew she would throw some hands but I never expected that she would actually fucking slap him which gave a very dirty look to his face. She gave him a open cut  bleeding lip and a red swollen cheek which made me realize I shouldn't provoke shehnaaz Or it would be me standing at gaurav's place.

She pulled her hand off from viraj's hold and took her bag and walked out, gaurav stood there shell shocked, his sister was looking at his wounds while tanaja  aunty got into a coma by looking at this . " God!! This women is just too much to handle " . I looked at our parents table to find our mother's smiling " Have they gone mad or what?? " While our dad's were just busy playing poker , viraj got up following his sister and I went behind him.

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